Wednesday, February 27, 2013

First Steps!

Well yesterday was a pretty exciting day! In the afternoon, Micah and I decided to take a walk down to the mailbox, and he walked all the way to the mailbox holding onto only 1 of my hands.  It is even more impressive when you realize that it isn't at the end of our driveway, the mailboxes are on a different street than ours.  It took us about 20 mins of his little steps to make it there.  Then, Brandon came home from work and Micah and I went outside to play on his slide while Brandon got the grill started up for dinner.  Then Brandon sat down on the patio with Micah and Micah took his very first step alone!!!!!!!!!! He did it three times..only 1 step each time and then falling into Brandon's arms.  But it's progress!!! Unfortunately, I didn't catch any video of it :(  But it was very exciting!  Now Micah has 54 more days to get even better at it before we go to Florida.  Brandon was worried that we might go to Florida and Micah still wouldn't be walking and he'd miss the first steps.  He was so excited that he got to witness the first steps, that he was actually home with us.
So only 54 more days until Micah and I leave El Paso forever!  (no desire to ever visit here).  It's hard to go through the house and get rid of things that we don't need anymore when Micah requires to much time and attention now and I am also going to school fulltime online.
I don't really have any pictures for this post, because well Micah is still sleeping today.  He thinks he's a teenager and often sleeps past 9am. But I did find this video on my phone that other day that Micah somehow videotaped all by here is Micah's point of view in life :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New Year

I know it's not January 1st, it's not actually the start of a new year.  However. this is Micah's birthday month and we are starting a new year of his life.  The first year was crazy, fun and wonderful.  But my blogging has definitely fallen away and I am going to try working on that now.  I recently went back and read my old blogs, and I love it.  I loved reading what I was thinking and worrying about while pregnant.  So a little bit of of right now we are still at Fort Bliss, Texas aka Mexican suburbs. The wind storms have been crazy lately and this is what I wake up to a daily basis.

Not only on the window sills but on the ground as well.  However, that will soon be changing!!!!!!!!  We are moving to Fort Bragg, NC!...not my dream post, but at least there's green stuff like trees and grass! And it's closer/easier to travel to family.  We are pretty excited about it.  Micah and I will be going to Florida in April to hang out with my family while Brandon deals with all the fun of movers and packing and actually moving.  We will meet him in Alabama so we can stay at his brothers with the dogs while he goes on to find our house and then move it all in.  It will pretty much mean 2 and half months of Micah and I traveling/living like nomads.  But I'd rather that than to live in a long term hotel with him! That was not fun last time when I was pregnant.

This is my big boy!  He's getting so close to walking! Not much longer at all!

On other friend and I have been going to the gym 3 times a week together.  Micah and I walk the track while she's in Zumba class.  Micah loves it, he waves at all the people as we walk past and normally by the end of the hour, he falls asleep.  I'm hoping to do a 5k when I'm in Florida, kind of scared to 100% commit since last time I did that, I ended up having my gallbladder and appendix out..but here's to hoping! And my brave moment of the's a pic of me in my workout clothes :)

Don't you love our new bedroom set?