Wednesday, April 17, 2013


So all of a sudden, this week my little man decided to start walking! He had been taking small steps when we really cheered him on, but this week he has become a confident walker.  He just lets go of walls and furniture and goes walking across the room.  It's so amazing to watch him.  He has all of a sudden gone from being a baby to being a toddler.  He has grown up so fast.  At Christmas time, he was barely crawling, doing his Micah version of crawling instead and figured out pulling himself up while we were at my parents.  Now mid April, he loves walking everywhere.  He still drops down to crawl when he wants to get somewhere fast, but other than that he really prefers to be on his feet.  It's just so crazy to think that a year ago this was my little man...
This was in the hospital in Venice last April when I flew down to get my gallbladder taken out.  He was such a little baby then..and this is today.
He walks a lot better and farther than this video, but it is really hard to capture it on my phone.  He doesn't believe in performing.  And well you try walking in those pajamas :)  He has a long body but short legs, not normally a problem but it can make walking difficult.
I'm excited to be leaving on Monday, but I am sad to be leaving Brandon for two months.  Micah has changed so much and so quickly the past few months, it makes me wonder what is going to change between now and late June and what Brandon might miss.  Thank goodness for FaceTime though, so at least he will be able to talk to Micah on a regular basis.
The countdown is down to 5 days now.

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