Monday, August 26, 2013

8 weeks fun

So Baby Ferraro 2.0 is 8 weeks right now.  Baby is approximately the size of a raspberry.  Crazy part, baby is getting their taste buds right now! Taste buds at only 8 weeks.
I've been feeling a lot better than I did with Micah.  However, my exhaustion levels are insane.  Some days, I feel like the whole day was just one big fog.
Poor Micah is starting to copy me.  When he sees trash cans, he spits in them and he'll randomly hold his hand over his mouth and breathe deeply.  Lol we are trying to get him involved in activities with other little kids.

I love his little smiles.  Tomorrow is our first music class and Friday will be dance class!  He's been doing swimming lessons for two weeks and he's getting so good.  We have been working on kicking his legs in the water.  I'll write about music and dance later this week!

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