Monday, September 30, 2013

Second Trimester!

I am officially in the second trimester!  So exciting to be a third of the way done, and kind of crazy.  This has been a pretty eventful week.  Brandon had some really long days at work and one day he worked so late that Micah was in bed before he got home, so the next morning he built this for Micah.
I love my boys.  They also had a special adventure day on Saturday to make up for time missed during the week, but I'll post about that later.
Besides Brandon working long hours, the first trimester decided to leave with a bang.  I was napping one day and woke up and went to get up, and I did this..
Luckily it ended up just being a sprain.  The doctor was worried that I might have cracked my fibula, but couldn't x-ray without risking hurting baby, so I put it off.  And now, almost a week later, my ankle is starting to feel better so it was just a good sprain.
We had some fun this week.  Micah had another little girl join him in dance class, so now he isn't the only student!  He did so good.
He is really starting to catch on what they are supposed to be doing.  He also had lots of fun at swim lessons of course.
And I overheard Coach Gavin telling another parent that they can't compare their child (who is a year older than Micah) to Micah because Micah is just a "superstar" and "abnormal".  So proud of my little swimmer.  He is just a fish and loves to be in the water.  Going underwater doesn't bother him at all either.  These goggles didn't last long...they were a little too big for him.
We also tried going out to eat at a Japanese place right by our house.  Unfortunately after waiting awhile, we sat down at the grill only to see on the menu that it had a warning to not eat there if you have a seafood allergy.  Since Brandon does have one, off we went and we just grabbed fast food.  But in the waiting area at the restaurant they had a fish tank that Micah LOVED.
Anyway, I am in week 13 now, and about halfway done with this week already.  I change weeks on Friday and it's hard for me to blog on the weekends.  Here is a picture I did take on Friday though
The baby bump is slowly growing!  So baby is the size of a peach now, or about 2.9 inches long and .81 ounces.  Supposedly the head is now about 1/3 the size of the body, but I think Micah's head was more than 1/3 of his body for the first year of his life :).  Baby already has fingerprints!  That seems so crazy to me that at only 13 weeks, baby already has fingerprints.  And this week baby is working on those vocal cords.  I still haven't gained any weight.  I vary between the exact same weight or 3 pounds less than my original weight.  I'm pretty happy with that since I haven't had any morning sickness this pregnancy, I am obsessed with Dominos pizza and Skittles and the month and half before I got pregnant, I had lost a little over 10 pounds.  So I'm quite happy that I didn't just fly right back to that pre Weight Watchers weight.
Hopefully I'll find time to post soon about my boy's amazing adventure together!

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