Monday, January 20, 2014

29 weeks and a little bit more

So technically Friday was 29 weeks, but it's been a long weekend so I haven't posted yet.  Baby Ferraro 2.0 is now the size of an acorn squash.  He is already between 15.2 inches to 16.7 inches long and weighs between 2.5 and 3.8 pounds.  He feels massive in there.  He has a definite spot that is his favorite area to hang out, on my right side.  It feels like there is a permanent bruise on the inside of my stomach where he always hangs out.  He should be tripling his weight until birth.  His muscles and lungs are still maturing and his head is growing to make room for that developing brain.
I can't believe that it is already 29 weeks.  I have 10 weeks or less until he will be here.  I feel so unprepared right now, I have not made one burp cloth yet.  We just cleaned the diaper bag out today so we can start packing that.  Micah now has a "toddler pack", he carries around a little toddler backpack with his stuff inside of it.  It is so adorable!  We need to install the car seat eventually.
So far I have gained 9 pounds, which I am pretty happy about.  Right before we got pregnant, I had lost about 10 pounds on Weight Watchers so I haven't even completely gained the weight I lost in just the few months before getting pregnant.
I have 2 pics of this week..I did one in the bathroom like normal and then decided to get Brandon to take a pic of the bump as well.

I have had 3 different random people stop me at church and stores, commenting about how low I am carrying.  What do you think?
And for comparison, this is me at 29 weeks with Micah

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