Update on baby...
He is somewhere around 18 inches long and weighs almost 6 pounds now! He is the size of a honeydew or as long as a head of romaine lettuce. He should be able to breathe on his own at this point. He is gaining about an ounce a day. When this week ends, he will be considered early term. The new thing is any earlier than 37 weeks is a pre-term baby, 37-39 is early term, 39-40 is full-term and 41 weeks is late term and after 42 weeks is post-term. So confusing now, but if he stays put one more week, he won't be considered a pre-term baby!
This is my picture earlier this week..
I liked how Micah was staring up at me and my stomach. And below is 36 weeks with Micah.
I had Micah at 37 weeks 5 days, but hopefully that doesn't happen this time. Robin is coming to visit and help out in 2 weeks, at exactly 38 weeks. I just need him to hang out until she is here.
In other news, it appears we will be moving in October, but we don't know exactly where. The next 6 months is going to be crazy and have tons of change.
Also, we have been cloth diapering Micah for a few weeks now and I really like it. We have gotten a rhythm with it and Micah really likes them too. I went to the grocery store last week and it was amazing to not have to pick up diapers! We have a good little supply built up now, we have 9 diapers and 2 more that we need to pick up (already paid, just need to actually get them). I will post about the different types and what we think of them another day, but they have actually been quite easy.
Only 21 more days or less!
so excited for baby #2! I'm sure you're tired of being pregnant...hang in there!