Monday, December 19, 2011

Oh the craziness...

So this dining room that I've tried making into an adorable nursery will no longer be where we bring home our baby boy.
You can see how it really is a dining room..that's my fridge right next to our crib :) I think I did a pretty good job making it into a nursery though..

But this won't be his first home because we seem to be moving! AHHH!  This craziness all started the end of last week when we were offered on post housing.  The idea of not having stairs anymore, a backyard for the puppies and all that seemed amazing.  However, we are in a year lease and we can't exactly break it just to move on post.  Around the same time, the new BAH rates for 2012 came out, and our BAH went up!!  With the new BAH rate, we can afford a 2 bedroom in our apartment complex! Techincally, we aren't able to transfer apartments until we've lived in our apartment for 6 months. However, our 6 months happens Feb 1, and my c-section is scheduled for Feb 3.  So after begging, I convinced my apartment complex that like 2 weeks isn't going to be that much of a big deal.  So maintance is going to come look at our apartment (I'm guessing to make sure we have destroyed it) and after they give their ok, we are good to move into a 2 bedroom on January 13!  I'm pretty excited!  We will have a 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment on the first floor!  And with our new BAH rate, we will be equal with where we are now!  If we stayed in our one bedroom, we could have been making money off this new BAH rate, but I think it's worth it to have more room!  And Micah will actually have his own room.  Brandon has assured me that I won't have to do anything with the move, no stress for me, that he will take care of everything.  So yes its crazy that we will be moving when I'm 35 weeks pregnant, but at least we will have 3 weeks to prepare the new apartment how we want it when we bring Micah home.  My job is to get the things we still need before Micah arrives, like bed sheets, mattress pads, bathing stuff, his rock n play...and now we will have room for things like a swing or bouncer, so we need to decide if we want to save and get some of those things too.  And now our laundry area doesn't have to be storage, and we can actually get a washer and dryer!  So I'm just going to breathe deeply, hope I don't go into labor prematurely, and let Brandon handle the move!

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