Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Picking a Pediatrician..

So in our baby class on Saturday, they talked some about how important it is to have a pediatrician set up before your baby is born.  That the pediatrician will come to the hospital and check on baby, do the circumsion and all that.  They also had a pediatrician come and talk to us for a little while about what to expect from our doctor and future appointments and all that.  So now I'm trying to pick a doctor for Micah..but I feel so clueless!  How in the world do I pick one for him?  There are so many choices!  The doctor that came to our class seems pretty nice, and his office has a night clinic in case anything happens at night.  We can set up an appointment with him for free to check out his office and talk to him, so we can decide if he is the one we want.  He seemed to obviously have a good relationship with the hospital, since they call him in to talk to baby class.  I'm also thinking that I should ask my ob/gyn if he has anyone he suggests, he gave me a good heart doctor.  So that will give me like 2 options instead of 8 million..which seems better to me! Hopefully, fingers crossed, we won't be here that long after Micah is born, so they won't be the doctor forever, but I still want a good one in case Micah has any issues.  And then what kind of questions do I ask the doctor?  I know I'm going to have to talk to them about Ehlers-Danlos and all the issues that are associated with it.  I don't care if they don't know a lot about Ehlers-Danlos, because most don't, but I do want a doctor that will be interested in it and research the subject a lot so they will be well prepared to care for my baby.  Ugh so much to figure out..
But on another subject, we had a winter wonderland last night!!  It was so exciting, I wasn't expecting much in the way of snow since we do live in a desert.  I waited until Brandon got home before I went out in it with him and the dogs.  I had to walk really carefully because there was ice on the sidewalks too.  Chester loves the snow so much!  He was running around in it, rolling around and throwing snow up in the air.
There's Brandon and Mia hanging out in the snow..

More of our pretty snow!  We didn't walk around and play in it as much as we normally do on snowy days, because we were worried about me slipping and falling.  Oh well, next year maybe I'll get to build snowmen and have snowball fights :)  This morning was great, because post didn't open until 10am, so Brandon got to hang around the house this morning with us.  He got up and took the dogs out while I watched out the window.
Sorry the picture isn't the greatest, the screen gets in the way, but oh well!  See how white our mountains are in the background? So pretty!  It was nice to look out the window and see it all, but not have to go out in it.  It was 18 degrees but felt like 7 from the wind when Brandon took the dogs out.  BRRR!  And then Brandon made us waffles on his waffle maker we got about a month ago, I was quite spoiled this morning! The temperature isn't supposed to get above 32 today, so they are saying the ice will be around all day.  Brandon left a little bit ago for work, and I'm worried about him.  The news has been full of accidents today, a ton of roads are closed down so he has to drive 3 times as far to get to work, and the news is saying there's black ice on the roads.  I have faith in his ability to drive in it, its all the other people I worry about!  Tonight was also supposed to be our breastfeeding class at the hospital, but I don't think we are going to go.  They taught us some on breastfeeding in our baby class, and it's not worth driving on icy roads to me to go tonight.
Only 59 more days to go! AHH we're in the 50's now! :)

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