But not really that big, he still only fits in newborn clothes, 0-3 month clothes are still pretty much falling off him. We can definately tell though how he's getting bigger, he was just such a little guy to start with!

He is still all congested, poor thing, which stresses mommy and daddy out a lot while we are trying to sleep. It's always so much worse at night! So trying to figure out at what point we go back to the doctor and say it's not getting better.
(yes he even has Alabama socks to match his Alabama outfits) I want to blog more then the weekly updates, but it's so hard! My days just fly by with him! Especially since he hasn't been feeling well this past week and half, he's definately a lot more needy.Yesterday we went on our first adventure without daddy. Micah and I picked up my friend Robin and we went to walk around the outlet mall. Only problem was, when we got to the outlet mall, we didn't know how to get his carseat out of the car! It was something Brandon has always done because it's been to heavy for me to lift! Sooo after about 5-10 minutes trying to figure it out, and laughing really hard about how stupid we felt because the carseat was kickign our butts and Micah looking at us like we were CRAZY..I finally text Brandon and asked, and it was SO easy after he told me...we felt like idiots :) But it was fun times!
Also this week, he finally got big enough for his swaddleme blankets...yes he was somehow even to small for those at first. They are so great at night! We use to swaddle him in blankets at night, but he'd somehow always get his arms out, and then squirm into some position that the blanket would end up over his face..which of course would freak me out..so we stopped swaddling him. But now that he fits in these swaddleme blankets, he isn't able to get out of them and he sleeps SO much better! I'm loving it! We get like 4 hours between feedings now at night!
Micah and I go on daily walks now, and I go to the doctor on Thursday, and hopefully will find out when I can start working out again! It's amazing that I'm actually excited about being cleared to work out! I need to though, because I've decided to do an absolutely crazy thing! I convinced my mom to do a 5k with me in the beginning of May! AHH! I keep telling myself that it is only a little over 3 miles..not that bad. But it still feels crazy only 3 months after having a baby!
But someone has decided I've been on the computer to long, and he needs attention..so here's some more pics to finish up with..
That's Micah watching his first NASCAR race..
And my boys in their camo..
Love it, love it, love it!
Thanks for the updates and pics. He sure is a cute one
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