So Micah decided he was to impatient to wait until our scheduled c-section on Friday. On Tuesday, I had my baby shower with my sunday school class, and it went so good! I got tons of goodies and enjoyed eating lunch and hanging out with them. There was about 10 of us there, so a nice size without it being to tiny or way to large. After that, I came home and rested a little, and then we went out to eat with our friends Brandon C and Robin. It was really wonderful hanging out with them, only bummer was we went to the place Brandon and I went for our anniversary, because I still hadn't had the dessert I wanted so badly from there. So I ordered it Tuesday night, only to find out they were completely out of it! I was sooo disappointed! We were out later then normal, it was about 10pm when we got to bed (which is really late for us). Well at midnight I woke up with my stomach all cramped up and feeling super sick. I was then sick from midnight until 6am, so sick that I actually moved into the living room because I didn't want to keep waking Brandon up as I kept getting up, because he had work in the morning. Well finally a little after 6am, I was like I can't do this anymore, I feel so sick and I think I'm getting dehydrated from this! So I text Brandon from the other room and said I think I need to go to the hospital. I finally make it into the bedroom and he's still laying in bed with the puppies. I was like umm lets go to the hospital? And he was like do you want to? You probably are just stressing yourself out about Friday. But I was like no, we are going. So he got up to get ready to go, and I called my mom to let her know, because they were about to leave for the airport to fly out here, and I knew I wouldn't be able to communicate with them all day while they were flying and such. She also said you are probably just stressing yourself out, but I still was determined I needed to get to the hospital. So Brandon and I grab the hospital bag and off we went to the hospital. As we are driving to the hospital I was moaning about how bad my stomach hurts and Brandon was like ok I know I know your stomach hurts..(not being super sympathetic for me). We get to the hospital and labor & delivery sends me to the ante partum area because they were so busy and full in triage and recovery. The lady in ante partum hooked me to up to the machine and less then a minute after she did, she was like did you just feel that? And I was like yah! My stomach is hurting!! And she said honey thats a contraction. So Brandon and I were in complete shock! She checked me, and I was only 2cm but contracting a good bit, and I'm not supposed to go into labor. So she called my doctor who was right upstairs doing a c-section. When he was done, he came down to see me and asked when the last time I had food and water was. Of course, since I thought I was getting dehydrated, I had drank water right before going to the hospital. So my doctor said ok, well nothing to eat or drink and we will do your c-section after 12 today! We were in complete shock! We didn't even have his carseat with us! Well the c-section surgery room wasn't available until 3pm, so we had a really long wait. I was suprisingly calm, I don't think it really registered that I was having Micah in a few short hours. Brandon was definately stressing out more then me! Our sunday school teacher came by, and that was a nice distraction for a little bit. And finally it was time to go off to pre-op. The pre-op area is the same as the triage, so I had been there before, so I still wasn't really stressing out yet. Brandon was told to get in his awesome scrubs..

And I walked from the pre-op area to the surgery room, while Brandon had to wait in the hallway. I had to sit on the table, and that is definately when the nerves hit! I was so scared of the spinal! It really wasn't that bad, the local hurt some and then I felt nothing. My feet got warm and slowly numb and they had me lay down quickly. They put the curtain up, Brandon joined me and just a few minutes later Micah was crying!! Everyone in the OR was like wow! He's a tall baby!! He really isn't that tall, he was 20 inches long and 7.56 pounds, but his legs and arms are so long and skinny that he looks tall. After they cleaned him up, they brought him over to us for a minute, and we had our first family picture

They took him to the nursery pretty quickly though, and Brandon went with him. They finished up with me, and rolled me back to the same room I was in for pre-op. I fell asleep for a few, and when I woke up Brandon was with me. I had told him to stay with Micah the entire time, but I'm glad he didn't listen. He brought me back pictures of Micah and videos, and gave me updates. He kept going back and forth between me and Micah, and since I was stuck in recovery for 3 hours, that helped a lot!
Poor Micah had some breathing issues at first, and he needed a little help with oxygen. Which is why I couldn't see him during the 3 hours of recovery :(
He finally was breathing ok, and he got his first bath.
When he was done with his bath, I was moved into my post partum room, and we had to wait like another half hour for Micah to join us, because he had to get his tempurature regulated before they would let him leave the nursery. Finally our baby boy joined us!
I look like a hot mess, but I didn't care at that point, I was just so happy to finally be holding Micah!
The first day went wonderful for us. My parents were flying from Florida that day, and would have arrived right about when Micah joined us, but their plane in Austin was delayed 3 hours. Visiting hours ended at 9pm, and that is just about exactly when they finally got to the hospital, but the nurse went ahead and let them visit for a few.
The rest of the hospital visit went really well, we had some visitors and lots of time to just love on Micah and be amazed at how cute he is.
We were finally sent home Friday around lunchtime, and Micah looked so cute in his little bear suit!
Everything went really well, time is flying by on me though. Days go by so quickly! Which is why it has taken so long to write everything, but today is Micah's first doctor visit, so I will let you know how that goes! weird to end a blog without a countdown until Micah's birthdate :)
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