Saturday, February 11, 2012

Lovely Saturday

Today is our 2nd Saturday home with Micah! That seems crazy to me!  Last night we made supper and had our friends over to eat and watch a movie.  It was really nice to have some interaction with other people.  Since my parents left Wednesday morning, it's just been Brandon, me and Micah, which is nice, but also nice to have interaction with other people!  I can only handle watching Brandon and Micah play Lego Harry Potter on the xBox so much!  Today we are going to try and be brave and go to the Commisary for groceries!  And I need to convince Brandon to do laundry.  I also want to pull out my pre-pregnancy clothes soon and see how my body  has changed.  I know things will fit differently now, I'm just curious since I'm technically 19 pounds below pre-pregnancy weight.  But we'll see if I find all the engery to do that, last night was a rough one and I've already had a 2 hour nap this morning! :)  Around 2am I woke up to Micah trying to spit up, and making like a choking sound while doing it, so I sat him up so he could spit up, and the rest of the night I slept really light because I was worried about him choking, and he definately coo's and makes a lot of noises while he sleeps!  So it wasn't his fault I slept so bad, but definately feeling exhausted!  And now for the real reason anyone reads my of Micah time!
My boys just hanging out the other day...Brandon is already dreading going back to work, he's going to miss Micah so much!
This was this morning, he was looking so cute and looking around with a happy look on his face, so I tried to take a picture, but the flash went off on my phone and we got the grumpy old man look instead!
And Micah getting some sunbathing in! :)  This is how he was when I woke up from my nap today.  The doctor said he is past the stage where he could get jaundice, but we still like to make sure he gets some sunlight, just not in his eyes.  His newborn clothes are finally starting to fit him better!  He's still really skinny in them, but they fit him length wise now!  He's growing up so fast.

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