So I've been trying to figure out what we were going to do for Micah's laundry hamper, the one I really wanted and matches his bedroom decor is $45 on amazon. That seemed like way to much money to spend on a laundry hamper, but look how cute it is!
I knew we wouldn't be getting it as a gift, because Babies R Us doesn't carry it, so I couldn't put it on our baby registry. So I was trying to figure out what we were going to do for all his dirty clothes and I was really clueless. I wanted more sailboat stuff in his room because we aren't getting the "bedroom set" with the comforter and bumper because neither of those we are using. That's why I was really wanting this hamper instead of just a plain wicker one. Well last Wednesday, I got an email from saying they were having a pre Thanksgiving sale! With the coupon they sent me in my email, plus the online sale, I was able to get this hamper for only $22! With free shipping! Still more then I normally would spend on laundry, but I decided it was going to help pull his room together and it was something I really wanted, so we bought it! And today it came in the mail!
I couldn't put it in his nursery where it's actually going because we have Christmas stuff stored there right now, so after Brandon gets home, we'll move all that into the shelf in the closet and put the hamper where it belongs, but I'm so excited! Only things that are needed in his nursery now is the diaper genie and the mobile for his crib, we need mattress pads and crib sheets too...but we have one set of those already so once we get the mobile and diaper genie it will look like a complete nursery! Which is good since we only have 65 more days until Micah is here!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Gestational Diabetes Test
So I finally had my test today, and I didn't like it! First I had to fast since last night, which of course meant all night long I had dreams about food and woke up starving! And then I had to go to the lab place, which of course took forever to get called back, while I'm starving. Then they did pre bloodwork and gave me this nasty lemon lime drink that tasted like flat sprite. I was incredibly motivated to drink it fast though, because as soon as I was done drinking my hour of waiting started. Definately drank that the fastest I've ever drank anything! And then Brandon and I got to sit in the waiting room for an entire hour. Brandon had CQ yesterday, which means he works for 24 hours straight, so he gets to have today off. So straight from working 24 hours, he got to come sit in a waiting room with me for a hour and keep me entertained :) Drinking that nasty drink made my stomach feel gross because it was like pure sugar and I don't do much sugar anymore. Finally after my hour was done, they called me back and I got my blood drawn again and then it was time to get home and eat!! They said my doctor would have the results in 2-3 days, so I'm thinking I should know by Monday if I passed or if I have to do the 3 hour test, so fingers crossed! 66 more days until Micah is here!
Monday, November 28, 2011
28 Week Doc Appt
So today was my 28 week doctor appointment, which was I expecting the same thing as always, get weighed get ultrasound and doctor says everything looking good. Well first off, my doctors office moved so I got to go to aother side of town and find his new office. Then once I got there, they somehow lost my appointment! Luckily I had with me my appointment card to prove I wasn't crazy, that they did tell me it was today, but I got pushed all the way to the last appointment before lunch break. Over a hour and half in the waiting room is always fun, but luckily I brought a book with me this time! After I finally got into the room, the doctor came in looked at my chart, looked at his phone and said hmm you're 28 about we schedule your c-section for 02/03/12 at am. I was like what?!?! He had told me previously that he couldn't schedule my c section until I hit 30 weeks, so I was planning on finding out at my next appointment on Dec 12, but he decided to do it early! YAY! Which means I only have 9 and half more weeks until Micah is born!! Two whole weeks before my due date! I can't believe we're already in single digit week countdown! It's 67 days until he's born! That sounds so close!! And I have so much left to do! We're supposed to be ordering his carseat online today, which is really the last big item we have to have..but still! This seems so crazy to me right now! Oh and Micah finally moved up higher in my stomach! I kept telling him that he had plenty of room in there, he didn't need to stay so low and finally he moved up! And of course, no doctor appointment is complete without a cute picture of Micah!
His cute little profile and thats his leg above his head, obviously quite flexible right now! 67 more days!!
His cute little profile and thats his leg above his head, obviously quite flexible right now! 67 more days!!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
It's Sunday morning, and guess what? I'm at home!! We made it through a Saturday without going to the hospital! We didn't do much yesterday, we decided to completely rearrange our furniture in our living room, so that took up most of the day. We finally got rid of our computer desk that was falling apart, so we had to go to the PX to get some new stuff to hold everything and to get wires for everything to work, but I like it a lot better now. We even have room for Micah toys! Now we just need to get him some..
Oh and of course, Roll Tide! Brandon didn't watch most of the Alabama/Auburn game because he was busy rearranging the living room for us, but I kept him up to date from the bedroom :)
Oh and of course, Roll Tide! Brandon didn't watch most of the Alabama/Auburn game because he was busy rearranging the living room for us, but I kept him up to date from the bedroom :)
Friday, November 25, 2011
28 Weeks!
Yay 28 weeks! It means I'm officially 3rd trimester according to all pregnancy apps and books! Only 12 weeks until my due date! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Ours was really good, we baked cookies in the morning and then went to friends house the rest of the day and ate lots of good food and watched football. This whole week has been really low key as I've been getting over that stomach bug and fighting a cold. Hopefully I'll be more productive this coming week!
What Micah has accomplished this week...he's about the size of a Chinese cabbage, weighing around 2 and 1/4 pounds and 14.8 inches long. He can now blink his eyes and he has little eyelashes now. He's developing billions of neurons in his brain and is still adding on more body fat. He's going to be growing to 15.25 inches long and 2.5 pounds, or about the size of a butternut squash.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a lazy Saturday, and we'll skip this weekly visit to the hospital. I have a doctor appointment on Monday, so I should have new cute pictures of Micah on Monday! And about two weeks until we get to pick a c-section date! Only 84 more days until my due date!
What Micah has accomplished this week...he's about the size of a Chinese cabbage, weighing around 2 and 1/4 pounds and 14.8 inches long. He can now blink his eyes and he has little eyelashes now. He's developing billions of neurons in his brain and is still adding on more body fat. He's going to be growing to 15.25 inches long and 2.5 pounds, or about the size of a butternut squash.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a lazy Saturday, and we'll skip this weekly visit to the hospital. I have a doctor appointment on Monday, so I should have new cute pictures of Micah on Monday! And about two weeks until we get to pick a c-section date! Only 84 more days until my due date!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Another fun Saturday..
So this post may contain TMI at times, so if you don't want to hear it all, definately skip this one! But since this is family and friends that I write this blog for, well you get to hear most of the fun details..
Friday night was a pretty normal night, Brandon got home from work and we decided to go grocery shopping. I was having problems walking very far, it was making my stomach feel weird, and so I was walking super slow. So Brandon convinced me to get the little motorized shopping car, and we had so much fun as I was zooming around the commissary in it. The best was when I started backing up, and it made a really loud "beep beep" noise, Brandon's eyes got so big, we were laughing so hard.
Well around 4am I woke up, and wow was I sick. My body completely emptied itself out, I drank some water and crashed back into bed around 5:30. At 7am, the dogs woke us up and I told Brandon I was sick, and if he would take the dogs out by himself, he could play video games all morning, so he got up and I joined him in the living room about 15 minutes later. I got some water to drink and I was laying on the couch when all of a sudden I felt really sick again, so I told Brandon to go get me a bag, he went running and brought me back one just in time....and of course this bag had a massive hole in it. So happy Brandon has a stronger stomach than me. At this time I started worrying about being dehyrdated because of how sick I'd been from 4-5:30 and then again, and I was shaking so bad. So I called and the nurse said if I couldn't keep gatorade down, then I needed to come in. We then tried the gatorade about a hour later, and I failed that one too. So we packed the dogs up and took them to our friends who are amazing and took care of them for us, and we headed off to the hospital. Of course we didn't think to bring a bag in the car with us, so that means I definately got sick again in my lovely. We got to the hospital and they took us straight to the 3rd floor, which is where the hosptial bedrest pregnant women stay. It's the same area we stayed in last weekend, so my hopes of just getting full of IVs and then being sent home that afternoon was crushed, I knew I'd be spending at least the night. They had tons of problems getting my IV in because I was dehydrated, so my veins were harder to get. They finally got it in, but they couldn't put the needle completely in, so it was only like halfway in. It was painful! But after they got it all taped up, I didn't care anymore. Then they started me on the fluids and anti nausea medicine, which is my friend! Brandon went to the cafeteria at the hospital for lunch and discovered he's going to need to bring snacks with us in Feb and get people to bring food, because it was pretty bad choices. The anti nausea medicine made me really sleepy, so I slept most of Saturday, except every 4 hours I'd wake up. As soon as the medicine wore off, I was throwing up again. It was miserable. I also was running a fever, which was no fun. Brandon got no sleep that night because he had to keep helping me get unhooked from the machines to go the bathroom, and he also had to keep running to get the nurses when I got sick. Around midnight, he was getting really worried because it was weird colors, including red, and the nurse was like ahh no worries, that's nothing it's just her stomach lining. Lol we were like umm that doesn't sound like something thats no big deal!! But finally after midnight, I stopped. Sunday morning they brought me breakfast, a yummy liquid diet of chicken broth and jello. I only ate like 3 bites of the broth. Then my doctor came by and said if I could eat lunch and keep it down I could go home, because it would have been over 12 hours since I'd been sick. So for lunch I got the solid meal, we went from jello and broth to roast beef with gravy, scalloped potatoes, veggies, a roll, watermelon, and a big slice of chocolate cake. It just looked so incredibly heavy. I ate the roll, and Brandon ate the rest for me, there was no way I was going to stomach all that, I hadn't eaten since Friday evening! Then I told Brandon they had to get this IV out of me!! My entire arm was killing me, it was so painful. I could see where my veins ran because it was all red and hard all the way up my arm, thankfully they took it out right away, but my arm feels all bruised and really painful. And finally around 1:30 or so, I got discharged. I was so happy to go home!! Two weekends in a row at the hospital is too much! As we were leaving, Brandon was like bye! see you next Saturday! Ugh I hope not!! I'm doing better now, haven't gotten sick again but now my body just aches an ubelievable amount, which I know is normal after being that sick. I'm taking it real easy, eating light foods like soup and hoping this feeling of being run over by a semi leaves me soon. I look pretty beat up too, my right arm is all red and hard where my veins are from the IV and it is still really painful, and my left arm I have a nice bruise from where they drew blood. But the good part is Micah is just fine! He was never fazed the entire time, it's pretty incredibly how I can be so sick and even though he's inside me, he's so well protected that me having a stomach flu didn't bother him at all. He was moving like crazy the whole time, just like normal. Hopefully that is my last stay at the hospital until February!
Friday night was a pretty normal night, Brandon got home from work and we decided to go grocery shopping. I was having problems walking very far, it was making my stomach feel weird, and so I was walking super slow. So Brandon convinced me to get the little motorized shopping car, and we had so much fun as I was zooming around the commissary in it. The best was when I started backing up, and it made a really loud "beep beep" noise, Brandon's eyes got so big, we were laughing so hard.
Well around 4am I woke up, and wow was I sick. My body completely emptied itself out, I drank some water and crashed back into bed around 5:30. At 7am, the dogs woke us up and I told Brandon I was sick, and if he would take the dogs out by himself, he could play video games all morning, so he got up and I joined him in the living room about 15 minutes later. I got some water to drink and I was laying on the couch when all of a sudden I felt really sick again, so I told Brandon to go get me a bag, he went running and brought me back one just in time....and of course this bag had a massive hole in it. So happy Brandon has a stronger stomach than me. At this time I started worrying about being dehyrdated because of how sick I'd been from 4-5:30 and then again, and I was shaking so bad. So I called and the nurse said if I couldn't keep gatorade down, then I needed to come in. We then tried the gatorade about a hour later, and I failed that one too. So we packed the dogs up and took them to our friends who are amazing and took care of them for us, and we headed off to the hospital. Of course we didn't think to bring a bag in the car with us, so that means I definately got sick again in my lovely. We got to the hospital and they took us straight to the 3rd floor, which is where the hosptial bedrest pregnant women stay. It's the same area we stayed in last weekend, so my hopes of just getting full of IVs and then being sent home that afternoon was crushed, I knew I'd be spending at least the night. They had tons of problems getting my IV in because I was dehydrated, so my veins were harder to get. They finally got it in, but they couldn't put the needle completely in, so it was only like halfway in. It was painful! But after they got it all taped up, I didn't care anymore. Then they started me on the fluids and anti nausea medicine, which is my friend! Brandon went to the cafeteria at the hospital for lunch and discovered he's going to need to bring snacks with us in Feb and get people to bring food, because it was pretty bad choices. The anti nausea medicine made me really sleepy, so I slept most of Saturday, except every 4 hours I'd wake up. As soon as the medicine wore off, I was throwing up again. It was miserable. I also was running a fever, which was no fun. Brandon got no sleep that night because he had to keep helping me get unhooked from the machines to go the bathroom, and he also had to keep running to get the nurses when I got sick. Around midnight, he was getting really worried because it was weird colors, including red, and the nurse was like ahh no worries, that's nothing it's just her stomach lining. Lol we were like umm that doesn't sound like something thats no big deal!! But finally after midnight, I stopped. Sunday morning they brought me breakfast, a yummy liquid diet of chicken broth and jello. I only ate like 3 bites of the broth. Then my doctor came by and said if I could eat lunch and keep it down I could go home, because it would have been over 12 hours since I'd been sick. So for lunch I got the solid meal, we went from jello and broth to roast beef with gravy, scalloped potatoes, veggies, a roll, watermelon, and a big slice of chocolate cake. It just looked so incredibly heavy. I ate the roll, and Brandon ate the rest for me, there was no way I was going to stomach all that, I hadn't eaten since Friday evening! Then I told Brandon they had to get this IV out of me!! My entire arm was killing me, it was so painful. I could see where my veins ran because it was all red and hard all the way up my arm, thankfully they took it out right away, but my arm feels all bruised and really painful. And finally around 1:30 or so, I got discharged. I was so happy to go home!! Two weekends in a row at the hospital is too much! As we were leaving, Brandon was like bye! see you next Saturday! Ugh I hope not!! I'm doing better now, haven't gotten sick again but now my body just aches an ubelievable amount, which I know is normal after being that sick. I'm taking it real easy, eating light foods like soup and hoping this feeling of being run over by a semi leaves me soon. I look pretty beat up too, my right arm is all red and hard where my veins are from the IV and it is still really painful, and my left arm I have a nice bruise from where they drew blood. But the good part is Micah is just fine! He was never fazed the entire time, it's pretty incredibly how I can be so sick and even though he's inside me, he's so well protected that me having a stomach flu didn't bother him at all. He was moving like crazy the whole time, just like normal. Hopefully that is my last stay at the hospital until February!
Friday, November 18, 2011
27 weeks!
Yay I'm 27 weeks now!
Mia wanted to be in the picture too :)
So there seems to be controversy on when the 3rd trimester starts, 27 or 28 weeks. I'm going to say 28 weeks, because I like 2nd trimester, and I'm dreading the 3rd. So this is my last week of the 2nd trimester. According to my pregnancy apps, Micah officially weighs 2 pounds (even though I was told by my doctors office almost 2 weeks ago that he was already 2 pounds) and he is about 14 1/2 inches long. He's sleeping and waking up at regular intervals, and he opens and closes his little eyes now. He also might even be sucking his fingers now. Micah's brain is more active now, and even though his lungs are still immature, they could work if he was born now. He would just need a lot of medical help. He is also starting to get hiccups a lot.
This week he will be growing to be 14.8 inches long and about 2.25 pounds, about the size of a chinese cabbage. Is a chinese cabbage different then a regular cabbage? This is making me learn my fruits and vegetables more!
I've started having a lot of hip and back pain lately, and I feel like I can barely walk around now. If I walk more than like 5 minutes, I'm in pain. I knew this was going to happen eventually, because your body makes a hormone called relaxin that spreads out your hips so you can give birth, but since my body is already stretched and doesn't hold together very well from Ehlers-Danlos, it makes it harder on my body. That's why I'm not excited about the 3rd trimester. But only 3 and half more weeks until we find out a date for the c-section!
Only 91 more days until my due date!
Mia wanted to be in the picture too :)
So there seems to be controversy on when the 3rd trimester starts, 27 or 28 weeks. I'm going to say 28 weeks, because I like 2nd trimester, and I'm dreading the 3rd. So this is my last week of the 2nd trimester. According to my pregnancy apps, Micah officially weighs 2 pounds (even though I was told by my doctors office almost 2 weeks ago that he was already 2 pounds) and he is about 14 1/2 inches long. He's sleeping and waking up at regular intervals, and he opens and closes his little eyes now. He also might even be sucking his fingers now. Micah's brain is more active now, and even though his lungs are still immature, they could work if he was born now. He would just need a lot of medical help. He is also starting to get hiccups a lot.
This week he will be growing to be 14.8 inches long and about 2.25 pounds, about the size of a chinese cabbage. Is a chinese cabbage different then a regular cabbage? This is making me learn my fruits and vegetables more!
I've started having a lot of hip and back pain lately, and I feel like I can barely walk around now. If I walk more than like 5 minutes, I'm in pain. I knew this was going to happen eventually, because your body makes a hormone called relaxin that spreads out your hips so you can give birth, but since my body is already stretched and doesn't hold together very well from Ehlers-Danlos, it makes it harder on my body. That's why I'm not excited about the 3rd trimester. But only 3 and half more weeks until we find out a date for the c-section!
Only 91 more days until my due date!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Birth Plan?
So my pregnancy app says that today I should be working on my birth plan. However, I'm having a c-section, so do I need a birth plan? According to things I've read online, I do, but I'm really not picky. I just want everything to go smoothly and Micah to be fine. I was looking at this website
and it has a list of things that I should think about when I'm making a c section birth plan.
-Epidural or Spinal- I'm really not picky! I just don't want to feel anything! And with my heart condition plus being allergic to morphine and percoset, I don't know what they are going to be able to give me.
-Catheter Insertion- Umm yah thats something I really didn't want to think about! But according to this website, I'm supposed to make sure they give it to me after my spinal or epidural, which makes sense.
-Sutures or Staples- hmmm whatever my doctor puts in me? I'd rather the ones that go away on their own because I don't want them ripped out of me later, owww!
-Follow up meds- Oh I will happily take whatever pain medications they offer me! I'm not superwoman! This is a major surgery! After my other surgeries, I always took the pain meds, and this time will be no different!
-Rooming in- So I might seem a little crazy here, and I might change my mind after I see Micah's adorable face, but right now Brandon and I are thinking no to rooming-in. My body needs to recover, which means I need to get the sleep while I can. The nurses are very smart people and I'm sure they can take good care of him while I get some sleep so I can be a better mommy when we get home.
-Hospital gown or your own- Hmm well I'm thinking hospital gown at first for sure, because I don't want to ruin my own gowns. Maybe towards the end of my stay I will want to be in my own clothes, if I can ever find nightgowns that are long enough!
-Who will be present at birth- Umm since it's a c-section, don't they only let you one person? I only want Brandon in there anyway, don't need the whole world seeing my stomach cut open! I really don't even want him looking over the curtain and seeing my stomach cut wide open.
-Hands free/unrestrained during procedure- I don't think this is a big deal, whatever they need to do, do it! There is problem a reason behind restraining my hands, like so I don't move while they are cutting me so we don't have any oops moments!
-Do you want to view the birth- OH MY GOODNESS NO! I threw up when my doctor only traced his finger along my arm where he was going to cut during my elbow surgery. I certainly don't want to see my body cut open!
-Music played/your own music?- I think that would be nice, it might help distract me from the idea that they are cutting my stomach open. I actually have that on a list to ask when we go to a baby class at the hospital, because I'd like to bring our iPod with certain music.
-Staff quiet, or chatter ok- They can talk as much as they want! I want them to be communicating well with each other! And I want them to reassure me that everything is just fine.
-Touch/hold baby immediately after- They can get him cleaned up and wrapped in the little blanket first, but I do want to see him before he goes off to the nursery! Obviously, if something is wrong then I just want him to get to the NICU as quick as possible.
-Who stays with baby during post-op- Brandon already knows that he isn't to leave Micah's side until he can be brought to me.
-Breastfeed- yup, I plan on doing that
-Bottles, pacifiers, formula- Well since I'm wanting to breastfeed, I don't want them to be giving him bottles or formula, right? But I have no problem with pacifiers, I plan on using them!
-Circumsion- yes please
-Doctor give play by play of procedure- Umm no, just tell me everything is going great, that it's almost done and then here he is! I don't need to know about every cut you make in my stomach. Ugh feeling lightheaded right now just thinking about it!
-Keep the Placenta- Ewww nooo!!! Please get rid of it!
See, I think most of my answers are the normal hospital procedures, aren't they? I guess I should write down some of these things, and when I go to my 30 week appointment to schedule my c-section, ask my doctor about some stuff.
and it has a list of things that I should think about when I'm making a c section birth plan.
-Epidural or Spinal- I'm really not picky! I just don't want to feel anything! And with my heart condition plus being allergic to morphine and percoset, I don't know what they are going to be able to give me.
-Catheter Insertion- Umm yah thats something I really didn't want to think about! But according to this website, I'm supposed to make sure they give it to me after my spinal or epidural, which makes sense.
-Sutures or Staples- hmmm whatever my doctor puts in me? I'd rather the ones that go away on their own because I don't want them ripped out of me later, owww!
-Follow up meds- Oh I will happily take whatever pain medications they offer me! I'm not superwoman! This is a major surgery! After my other surgeries, I always took the pain meds, and this time will be no different!
-Rooming in- So I might seem a little crazy here, and I might change my mind after I see Micah's adorable face, but right now Brandon and I are thinking no to rooming-in. My body needs to recover, which means I need to get the sleep while I can. The nurses are very smart people and I'm sure they can take good care of him while I get some sleep so I can be a better mommy when we get home.
-Hospital gown or your own- Hmm well I'm thinking hospital gown at first for sure, because I don't want to ruin my own gowns. Maybe towards the end of my stay I will want to be in my own clothes, if I can ever find nightgowns that are long enough!
-Who will be present at birth- Umm since it's a c-section, don't they only let you one person? I only want Brandon in there anyway, don't need the whole world seeing my stomach cut open! I really don't even want him looking over the curtain and seeing my stomach cut wide open.
-Hands free/unrestrained during procedure- I don't think this is a big deal, whatever they need to do, do it! There is problem a reason behind restraining my hands, like so I don't move while they are cutting me so we don't have any oops moments!
-Do you want to view the birth- OH MY GOODNESS NO! I threw up when my doctor only traced his finger along my arm where he was going to cut during my elbow surgery. I certainly don't want to see my body cut open!
-Music played/your own music?- I think that would be nice, it might help distract me from the idea that they are cutting my stomach open. I actually have that on a list to ask when we go to a baby class at the hospital, because I'd like to bring our iPod with certain music.
-Staff quiet, or chatter ok- They can talk as much as they want! I want them to be communicating well with each other! And I want them to reassure me that everything is just fine.
-Touch/hold baby immediately after- They can get him cleaned up and wrapped in the little blanket first, but I do want to see him before he goes off to the nursery! Obviously, if something is wrong then I just want him to get to the NICU as quick as possible.
-Who stays with baby during post-op- Brandon already knows that he isn't to leave Micah's side until he can be brought to me.
-Breastfeed- yup, I plan on doing that
-Bottles, pacifiers, formula- Well since I'm wanting to breastfeed, I don't want them to be giving him bottles or formula, right? But I have no problem with pacifiers, I plan on using them!
-Circumsion- yes please
-Doctor give play by play of procedure- Umm no, just tell me everything is going great, that it's almost done and then here he is! I don't need to know about every cut you make in my stomach. Ugh feeling lightheaded right now just thinking about it!
-Keep the Placenta- Ewww nooo!!! Please get rid of it!
See, I think most of my answers are the normal hospital procedures, aren't they? I guess I should write down some of these things, and when I go to my 30 week appointment to schedule my c-section, ask my doctor about some stuff.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Saturday's shopping trip
Before all the drama happened on Saturday, we went to the outlet mall and found some super cute clothes for Micah. Never being in El Paso for the winter, I have absolutely no idea how many warm clothes I should get him and how warm those clothes should be. But we saw this on sale, and it's just so cute so we had to get it. Plus we got it in newborn so hopefully he'll be able to use it right away.
Hehe, it has ears! And it's super soft and snuggly!
Plus we had to get this also..
In case you can't read it, it says Grandpa's Big Guy :)
Hehe, it has ears! And it's super soft and snuggly!
Plus we had to get this also..
In case you can't read it, it says Grandpa's Big Guy :)
Monday, November 14, 2011
Oh what a day!
So Saturday was quite an exciting day for us. Brandon had to do guard duty Friday night from midnight to 5am, so I got up in the morning and left him sleeping while I went to the grocery store. Then after I woke him up to unload groceries, we got ready to go together. We decided to go on this scenic drive road in El Paso, and it was really pretty!
The far part of the picture is Mexico! It's kind of hard to explain in that picture, but there is definately a line and then Mexico. There's a bridge, that is barely able to be seen in this picture, and it's the border crossing.
Of course we had to throw in a belly picture!
After that fun exploring, we went to the malls and bought a bunch of Christmas presents. Then we came home, and watched some Alabama football! But right about half time, I got super hungry for vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce. Normally I talk myself out of my cravings, because I don't like the idea of running out at night for food. But Brandon had to go to walgreens anyway for some medicine, so we decided to run to Burger King together as well. So we were heading out the door, and I went to go down the stairs in our apartment, and I slipped on the very first step. I caught myself about the 4th step, and I didn't hit my stomach at all, so we were like umm wow that was scary! And we went and ran our errands. Well after we got back home, and the adrenaline had worn off, my back was really hurting and my stomach kept getting super tight. So after a little bit, I decided I didn't want to be stupid, and that I might as well run to the hospital and get everything checked out for our peace of mind. Brandon asked if we should drop our puppies off at a friends house, and I was like nahh, they'll just check me out real quick and send me on home. So we got to the hospital, and we were sent up to labor and delivery, and the nurse put me on monitors for like a hour, and said everything looks really good! That she was going to call my doctor real quick to tell him and check in, and then I should be able to be sent home. Well she called my doctor, and he said nope, he wanted me to spend the night and stay on the monitors because I'm high risk, he wanted to make sure everything stayed good. So I got to check out my hospital for the night! Found out the food is pretty good there, all the nurses were amazing, the room was really nice, but it was so hard for me to sleep! I only got like 2 hours of sleep that night. I'd start to fall asleep and the blood pressure cuff would start squeezing my arm like crazy, waking me back up. Poor Brandon had to go back home and take care of the dogs, and then be back at the hospital with me just a couple hours later, so he got pretty much no sleep again. But he did get to try out the husband bed in my room for a little bit, and he said it was incredibly uncomfortable. He wants to bring a cot from work in February. :)
Micah was good all night though, except he kept trying to hide from the monitors, and kept kicking the nurses like crazy when they would move the monitor back on him. But he didn't try to make an early appearance, so Sunday morning we got released and I was told to take it easy, drink lots of water, and try not to fall on stairs anymore! :) Lesson learned- Cravings are bad! Don't give in to them!
The far part of the picture is Mexico! It's kind of hard to explain in that picture, but there is definately a line and then Mexico. There's a bridge, that is barely able to be seen in this picture, and it's the border crossing.
Of course we had to throw in a belly picture!
After that fun exploring, we went to the malls and bought a bunch of Christmas presents. Then we came home, and watched some Alabama football! But right about half time, I got super hungry for vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce. Normally I talk myself out of my cravings, because I don't like the idea of running out at night for food. But Brandon had to go to walgreens anyway for some medicine, so we decided to run to Burger King together as well. So we were heading out the door, and I went to go down the stairs in our apartment, and I slipped on the very first step. I caught myself about the 4th step, and I didn't hit my stomach at all, so we were like umm wow that was scary! And we went and ran our errands. Well after we got back home, and the adrenaline had worn off, my back was really hurting and my stomach kept getting super tight. So after a little bit, I decided I didn't want to be stupid, and that I might as well run to the hospital and get everything checked out for our peace of mind. Brandon asked if we should drop our puppies off at a friends house, and I was like nahh, they'll just check me out real quick and send me on home. So we got to the hospital, and we were sent up to labor and delivery, and the nurse put me on monitors for like a hour, and said everything looks really good! That she was going to call my doctor real quick to tell him and check in, and then I should be able to be sent home. Well she called my doctor, and he said nope, he wanted me to spend the night and stay on the monitors because I'm high risk, he wanted to make sure everything stayed good. So I got to check out my hospital for the night! Found out the food is pretty good there, all the nurses were amazing, the room was really nice, but it was so hard for me to sleep! I only got like 2 hours of sleep that night. I'd start to fall asleep and the blood pressure cuff would start squeezing my arm like crazy, waking me back up. Poor Brandon had to go back home and take care of the dogs, and then be back at the hospital with me just a couple hours later, so he got pretty much no sleep again. But he did get to try out the husband bed in my room for a little bit, and he said it was incredibly uncomfortable. He wants to bring a cot from work in February. :)
Micah was good all night though, except he kept trying to hide from the monitors, and kept kicking the nurses like crazy when they would move the monitor back on him. But he didn't try to make an early appearance, so Sunday morning we got released and I was told to take it easy, drink lots of water, and try not to fall on stairs anymore! :) Lesson learned- Cravings are bad! Don't give in to them!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
So my awesome stroller finally came yesterday! Actually...according to the tracking number, it got here on November 7th, but I never got a sticker on my door saying a package was at the front office, nor did a UPS man ever knock on my door. So I found out it was supposedly here yesterday, so Brandon and I went down to the front office to find out if it was there, and we told the lady that it was going to be a big package. So she looks in this little storage closet and goes nope it's not here! So we were like umm ok, so where is our stroller? So we go back to our apartment, and as soon as we get inside, the front office lady calls and says, "umm I just found your package, it was to big for our storage closet so it was in the conference room." I guess she didn't believe us when we told her it was big! So anyway our beautiful stroller is finally here!!
Isn't so pretty? I'm so excited about it. Now I'm feeling like we really need to get our car seat to put in it! We're keeping it up so the dogs can get use to it. And yesterday, we went on a walk with the puppies with it. I kind of felt like a crazy lady pushing an empty stroller around my apartment complex, but Chester was very scared of it at first and was pulling trying to get away from it, and running into it. At the end of the walk he was doing much better, so we're going to keep practicing so it doesn't even faze him after Micah is here. But it pushes so nice! I'm so excited, I can't wait to take Micah on walks with it!
Isn't so pretty? I'm so excited about it. Now I'm feeling like we really need to get our car seat to put in it! We're keeping it up so the dogs can get use to it. And yesterday, we went on a walk with the puppies with it. I kind of felt like a crazy lady pushing an empty stroller around my apartment complex, but Chester was very scared of it at first and was pulling trying to get away from it, and running into it. At the end of the walk he was doing much better, so we're going to keep practicing so it doesn't even faze him after Micah is here. But it pushes so nice! I'm so excited, I can't wait to take Micah on walks with it!
Friday, November 11, 2011
26 Weeks, Happy Veterans Day!
Yay for 26 weeks! I'm starting to feel massive, and I think I look pretty massive in this picture. The only plus is my thighs look smaller as my belly gets bigger! According to my pregnancy apps, Micah is about 14 inches long, about the size of a English Hothouse cucumber. My app says he weighs about 1 and 2/3 pounds now, but according to my ultrasound on Monday, he was already at 2 pounds. He's practicing inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluids now, which is why his mouth was probably wide open in that picture. By next week he'll be 14.5 inches long, about the size of a cauliflower. Only 98 more days until my due date! And I'm quickily approaching the 3rd trimester, which after hearing all the horror of it, I'm not sure I want to leave 2nd trimester! I kind of like it here!
Today is also Veteran's Day. I'm so thankful for all our Veterans and the soldiers that are currently fighting. I'm especially proud of my own soldier. It's not always the easiest life, or the easiest job, but it's the only job I see Brandon doing and being happy at. I never thought I'd be an Army Wife, but I'm so proud of him. Him and the soldiers I meet around base amaze me, being a soldier is hard enough, but to volunteer to serve during a war time takes a special kind of person. So today we're hitting up the free food at restaurants, and he's enjoying time with me and the puppies.
Happy Veteran's Day
Today is also Veteran's Day. I'm so thankful for all our Veterans and the soldiers that are currently fighting. I'm especially proud of my own soldier. It's not always the easiest life, or the easiest job, but it's the only job I see Brandon doing and being happy at. I never thought I'd be an Army Wife, but I'm so proud of him. Him and the soldiers I meet around base amaze me, being a soldier is hard enough, but to volunteer to serve during a war time takes a special kind of person. So today we're hitting up the free food at restaurants, and he's enjoying time with me and the puppies.
Happy Veteran's Day
Thursday, November 10, 2011
99 Days!
YAY! In less than 99 days, Micah will be here! We finally hit the double digits! 181 days down, 99 to go. 99 days is my due date, so it's less since I'm having a c-section, but I don't know how many days less. So until it's scheduled, I'll go by my due date countdown and be happily suprised when it's earlier! I only have 4 more weeks until my doctor will schedule a due date with me!
On a random note..have I always been such a messy eater? I go through so many shirts a day now, because I keep looking down and seeing food from earlier on my belly! Or I'll be sitting on the couch and my dog Chester will come over and start licking my belly, and I'll be like awww you giving Micah kisses? And then realize, nope! He's licking jelly from my peanut butter and jelly sandwich earlier!
On a random note..have I always been such a messy eater? I go through so many shirts a day now, because I keep looking down and seeing food from earlier on my belly! Or I'll be sitting on the couch and my dog Chester will come over and start licking my belly, and I'll be like awww you giving Micah kisses? And then realize, nope! He's licking jelly from my peanut butter and jelly sandwich earlier!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Holy Stretch Marks!
So this post is definately not getting a picture! It feels like all of a sudden, I have massive stretch marks, weirdly it's just on one side of my stomach. Not really sure why only one side of my stomach is stretching, and it's the side I always feel him on. I knew with my skin plus Ehlers-Danlos, I was probably going to get a lot of them, but it's so sad to see them. I lotion up my entire body every morning with coco butter lotion, but it seems as though it's doing absolutely nothing! So are there any suggestions on things I can do to fight this?
Monday, November 7, 2011
25 Week Doc Appt
There's Micah waving hi! He was being a little ham today for the camera, and he was waving at me during the ultrasound! Everything went really good at my appointment, the doctor said my weight is perfect and my blood pressure is perfect. I go back in 3 weeks; it was going to start being every 2 weeks, but 2 weeks is Thanksgiving week and my doctor is on vacation that week. And when I go back, I get to have my awesome gestational diabetes testing done. I'm not looking forward to that, but at least if I fail, it's after Thanksgiving. I also go my flu shot today, my first one, and I'm suprised how sore my arm is from it. The ultrasound tech said that he looks to be weighing 2 pounds, which is bigger than my pregnancy app said he should be right now, so I guess he's going to be a big boy. But today was special, because I didn't just get a picture of him waving, but we got 2 pictures today!
Not really sure if he's yelling, laughing or yawning in that one, but I'm hoping yawning. He's been jumping around like crazy all morning so I would appreciate a naptime!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
So I had no idea that shelves were so hard to find! But I finally found out I liked at Target, and then the new challenge was finding baskets to put on it, so all the supplies would be hidden. The shelf was the normal 8 inches deep, and I found out that most baskets are bigger than that! I would have thought baskets were designed to be put on shelfs, but I guess not! So I finally found some at Babies R Us, and I got blue so there would be some color on that wall, only to come home and see that the blue didn't match my other blues. The baskets looked periwinkle, so back to the store I went! So this is the final project
There's still plenty of room for Micah, without worrying about hitting his head, but I'm also able to reach inside the baskets and get things out with them still on the shelf. Now I'm trying to figure out baby wipes, is it possible to find a cute container to put them in or make one? Or should I just make room in one of the top drawers of the dresser for them? I'm thinking the top drawer, because the baskets can hold some diapers, baby lotion, nail clippers and all that in one, and the other one could hold socks, hats and bibs. The baskets have dividers in them, so it'd be easy to have one section for socks and so forth. But the nursery is getting close to being done! All that is left is his laundry hamper, diaper genie and mobile for his crib.
There's still plenty of room for Micah, without worrying about hitting his head, but I'm also able to reach inside the baskets and get things out with them still on the shelf. Now I'm trying to figure out baby wipes, is it possible to find a cute container to put them in or make one? Or should I just make room in one of the top drawers of the dresser for them? I'm thinking the top drawer, because the baskets can hold some diapers, baby lotion, nail clippers and all that in one, and the other one could hold socks, hats and bibs. The baskets have dividers in them, so it'd be easy to have one section for socks and so forth. But the nursery is getting close to being done! All that is left is his laundry hamper, diaper genie and mobile for his crib.
Friday, November 4, 2011
25 Weeks!
Already 25 weeks today, which is so crazy to me!! Less than 15 weeks until Micah is here, and we still have so much to do! I'm in the part of pregnancy that I want it all to slow down so I have more time to get everything prepared. Right now I feel like the holidays are about to happen and then bam! he'll be here!
According to my pregnancy apps, Micah is about 13 and half inches long and weighs about a pound and half now. I love him weighing more than a pound, because I feel like I can blame some of that number on the scale on him! :) He weighs about as much as a rutabaga, which means I need to go to the grocery store and see how heavy that is. Micah is also starting to get some baby fat on him, so I can't wait until my ultrasound, because if its 3d again, I'll be able to see how he's starting to work on his chubby cheeks. And he's growing hair! His hair color and texture is now there, my guess is blonde at first, if he's not a bald baby. This week he'll be growing to be about 14 inches long, or as big as a hothouse cucumber, and gain about another quarter of a pound.
My apps also say that I should be having my gestational diabetes testing done in the next few weeks, which I'm not looking forward to at all! I'm guessing my doctor will schedule it when I go to my appointment on Monday. I'm dreading the test, because everyone says it tastes horribly gross, but I'm also worried about failing. According to PubMed Health, people at higher risk are -
Being over 25 when you're pregnant (which I'm not),
Have a family history of diabetes (which I do),
Gave birth to a baby over 9 pounds (nope, Micah is my first and I sure hope he isn't that huge!),
Have sugar in your urine on a regular doctor visit (Hasn't been mentioned to me, so no?),
High blood pressure (mine is high for me now, but considered still very low compared to most),
Have to much amniotic fluid (again, hasn't been mentioned to me),
Have had an unexplained miscarriage (nope)
Overweight before pregnancy (sadly yes)
got these risk factors from
So I guess, I'm not to bad on that list, only 2 items. But I'm still worried because how awful to find out you have GD right before the holidays!! :( I want my yummy holiday food! So hopefully I will pass with flying colors!
Less than 105 days until Micah is here!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Prenatal Courses
So my hospital finally called me back (after waiting like 3 weeks), and I'm officially registered for my Prenatal Crash Course and my Breastfeeding Class. I really have no idea what to expect from the Prenatal Crash Course. It goes from 9am-3pm!! That seems like a forever long class! The class description is "This class is designed for couples expecting their first baby or as a refresher course." Not exactly real detailed on what takes 6 hours to learn. I'm hoping they teach us how to swaddle and things like that. I know we get a more in depth tour of the hospital as well. But I really hope they don't spend a lot of the class practicing breathing and all the labor stuff, because that stuff doesn't pertain to me. I already know I'm getting a c-section, so maybe we can go get snacks during that time? It'll be interesting! I've got another month until my classes and I'm excited!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Bummer Day...
So today was supposed to be a doctor appointment, so I was planning on posting an update on Micah and new pic of him. But my doctor decided to cancel all his afternoon appointments, so I had to reschedule for next week. Boo!! So I decided to post other pics...
That was our very first pic of him. It wasn't my first time seeing him, because I had been to the doctor like 2 weeks before, but he was to tiny for them to print out a picture. This was the first time Brandon got to see him though. He is definately the most photographed baby, we have so many ultrasound pictures all over the house. And then only 15 weeks later, this is what he looked like
It's crazy to me how fast he's grown. And now when I finally get in to see the doctor next week, he'll be even bigger!! I'm hoping I'll see him in 3d again, but I'm not holding my breath. Most people have to pay lots of money to get that, and I already got one free (thanks insurance!!). It was absolutely amazing, especially when they showed his feet, and I was really happy that Brandon got to be at that appointment too. I love going to the appointments to see him, which is why it really bummed out my day that my appointment got cancelled, but looking at these old pics, and remembering most people only see their baby twice before they have their baby, makes me thankful that I get to see him all the time and see that he's ok. And Monday really isn't that far away..
That was our very first pic of him. It wasn't my first time seeing him, because I had been to the doctor like 2 weeks before, but he was to tiny for them to print out a picture. This was the first time Brandon got to see him though. He is definately the most photographed baby, we have so many ultrasound pictures all over the house. And then only 15 weeks later, this is what he looked like
It's crazy to me how fast he's grown. And now when I finally get in to see the doctor next week, he'll be even bigger!! I'm hoping I'll see him in 3d again, but I'm not holding my breath. Most people have to pay lots of money to get that, and I already got one free (thanks insurance!!). It was absolutely amazing, especially when they showed his feet, and I was really happy that Brandon got to be at that appointment too. I love going to the appointments to see him, which is why it really bummed out my day that my appointment got cancelled, but looking at these old pics, and remembering most people only see their baby twice before they have their baby, makes me thankful that I get to see him all the time and see that he's ok. And Monday really isn't that far away..
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
I made Micah a baby blanket! I used measurements off of a website for swaddling blankets, but it seems so huge!! My little tiny baby is going to be swaddle in something that huge? I think I'm going to make the next blanket a little bit smaller.
But isn't that print so cute? I had to make him a blanket with puppies! And I'm sure, when he's bigger, the huge size of it will be useful.
But isn't that print so cute? I had to make him a blanket with puppies! And I'm sure, when he's bigger, the huge size of it will be useful.
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