So this post may contain TMI at times, so if you don't want to hear it all, definately skip this one! But since this is family and friends that I write this blog for, well you get to hear most of the fun details..
Friday night was a pretty normal night, Brandon got home from work and we decided to go grocery shopping. I was having problems walking very far, it was making my stomach feel weird, and so I was walking super slow. So Brandon convinced me to get the little motorized shopping car, and we had so much fun as I was zooming around the commissary in it. The best was when I started backing up, and it made a really loud "beep beep" noise, Brandon's eyes got so big, we were laughing so hard.
Well around 4am I woke up, and wow was I sick. My body completely emptied itself out, I drank some water and crashed back into bed around 5:30. At 7am, the dogs woke us up and I told Brandon I was sick, and if he would take the dogs out by himself, he could play video games all morning, so he got up and I joined him in the living room about 15 minutes later. I got some water to drink and I was laying on the couch when all of a sudden I felt really sick again, so I told Brandon to go get me a bag, he went running and brought me back one just in time....and of course this bag had a massive hole in it. So happy Brandon has a stronger stomach than me. At this time I started worrying about being dehyrdated because of how sick I'd been from 4-5:30 and then again, and I was shaking so bad. So I called and the nurse said if I couldn't keep gatorade down, then I needed to come in. We then tried the gatorade about a hour later, and I failed that one too. So we packed the dogs up and took them to our friends who are amazing and took care of them for us, and we headed off to the hospital. Of course we didn't think to bring a bag in the car with us, so that means I definately got sick again in my lovely. We got to the hospital and they took us straight to the 3rd floor, which is where the hosptial bedrest pregnant women stay. It's the same area we stayed in last weekend, so my hopes of just getting full of IVs and then being sent home that afternoon was crushed, I knew I'd be spending at least the night. They had tons of problems getting my IV in because I was dehydrated, so my veins were harder to get. They finally got it in, but they couldn't put the needle completely in, so it was only like halfway in. It was painful! But after they got it all taped up, I didn't care anymore. Then they started me on the fluids and anti nausea medicine, which is my friend! Brandon went to the cafeteria at the hospital for lunch and discovered he's going to need to bring snacks with us in Feb and get people to bring food, because it was pretty bad choices. The anti nausea medicine made me really sleepy, so I slept most of Saturday, except every 4 hours I'd wake up. As soon as the medicine wore off, I was throwing up again. It was miserable. I also was running a fever, which was no fun. Brandon got no sleep that night because he had to keep helping me get unhooked from the machines to go the bathroom, and he also had to keep running to get the nurses when I got sick. Around midnight, he was getting really worried because it was weird colors, including red, and the nurse was like ahh no worries, that's nothing it's just her stomach lining. Lol we were like umm that doesn't sound like something thats no big deal!! But finally after midnight, I stopped. Sunday morning they brought me breakfast, a yummy liquid diet of chicken broth and jello. I only ate like 3 bites of the broth. Then my doctor came by and said if I could eat lunch and keep it down I could go home, because it would have been over 12 hours since I'd been sick. So for lunch I got the solid meal, we went from jello and broth to roast beef with gravy, scalloped potatoes, veggies, a roll, watermelon, and a big slice of chocolate cake. It just looked so incredibly heavy. I ate the roll, and Brandon ate the rest for me, there was no way I was going to stomach all that, I hadn't eaten since Friday evening! Then I told Brandon they had to get this IV out of me!! My entire arm was killing me, it was so painful. I could see where my veins ran because it was all red and hard all the way up my arm, thankfully they took it out right away, but my arm feels all bruised and really painful. And finally around 1:30 or so, I got discharged. I was so happy to go home!! Two weekends in a row at the hospital is too much! As we were leaving, Brandon was like bye! see you next Saturday! Ugh I hope not!! I'm doing better now, haven't gotten sick again but now my body just aches an ubelievable amount, which I know is normal after being that sick. I'm taking it real easy, eating light foods like soup and hoping this feeling of being run over by a semi leaves me soon. I look pretty beat up too, my right arm is all red and hard where my veins are from the IV and it is still really painful, and my left arm I have a nice bruise from where they drew blood. But the good part is Micah is just fine! He was never fazed the entire time, it's pretty incredibly how I can be so sick and even though he's inside me, he's so well protected that me having a stomach flu didn't bother him at all. He was moving like crazy the whole time, just like normal. Hopefully that is my last stay at the hospital until February!
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