Saturday, November 12, 2011


So my awesome stroller finally came yesterday! Actually...according to the tracking number, it got here on November 7th, but I never got a sticker on my door saying a package was at the front office, nor did a UPS man ever knock on my door.  So I found out it was supposedly here yesterday, so Brandon and I went down to the front office to find out if it was there, and we told the lady that it was going to be a big package.  So she looks in this little storage closet and goes nope it's not here!  So we were like umm ok, so where is our stroller?  So we go back to our apartment, and as soon as we get inside, the front office lady calls and says, "umm I just found your package, it was to big for our storage closet so it was in the conference room."  I guess she didn't believe us when we told her it was big!  So anyway our beautiful stroller is finally here!!
Isn't so pretty?  I'm so excited about it.  Now I'm feeling like we really need to get our car seat to put in it!  We're keeping it up so the dogs can get use to it.  And yesterday, we went on a walk with the puppies with it.  I kind of felt like a crazy lady pushing an empty stroller around my apartment complex, but Chester was very scared of it at first and was pulling trying to get away from it, and running into it.  At the end of the walk he was doing much better, so we're going to keep practicing so it doesn't even faze him after Micah is here.  But it pushes so nice! I'm so excited, I can't wait to take Micah on walks with it!

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