So my pregnancy app says that today I should be working on my birth plan. However, I'm having a c-section, so do I need a birth plan? According to things I've read online, I do, but I'm really not picky. I just want everything to go smoothly and Micah to be fine. I was looking at this website
and it has a list of things that I should think about when I'm making a c section birth plan.
-Epidural or Spinal- I'm really not picky! I just don't want to feel anything! And with my heart condition plus being allergic to morphine and percoset, I don't know what they are going to be able to give me.
-Catheter Insertion- Umm yah thats something I really didn't want to think about! But according to this website, I'm supposed to make sure they give it to me after my spinal or epidural, which makes sense.
-Sutures or Staples- hmmm whatever my doctor puts in me? I'd rather the ones that go away on their own because I don't want them ripped out of me later, owww!
-Follow up meds- Oh I will happily take whatever pain medications they offer me! I'm not superwoman! This is a major surgery! After my other surgeries, I always took the pain meds, and this time will be no different!
-Rooming in- So I might seem a little crazy here, and I might change my mind after I see Micah's adorable face, but right now Brandon and I are thinking no to rooming-in. My body needs to recover, which means I need to get the sleep while I can. The nurses are very smart people and I'm sure they can take good care of him while I get some sleep so I can be a better mommy when we get home.
-Hospital gown or your own- Hmm well I'm thinking hospital gown at first for sure, because I don't want to ruin my own gowns. Maybe towards the end of my stay I will want to be in my own clothes, if I can ever find nightgowns that are long enough!
-Who will be present at birth- Umm since it's a c-section, don't they only let you one person? I only want Brandon in there anyway, don't need the whole world seeing my stomach cut open! I really don't even want him looking over the curtain and seeing my stomach cut wide open.
-Hands free/unrestrained during procedure- I don't think this is a big deal, whatever they need to do, do it! There is problem a reason behind restraining my hands, like so I don't move while they are cutting me so we don't have any oops moments!
-Do you want to view the birth- OH MY GOODNESS NO! I threw up when my doctor only traced his finger along my arm where he was going to cut during my elbow surgery. I certainly don't want to see my body cut open!
-Music played/your own music?- I think that would be nice, it might help distract me from the idea that they are cutting my stomach open. I actually have that on a list to ask when we go to a baby class at the hospital, because I'd like to bring our iPod with certain music.
-Staff quiet, or chatter ok- They can talk as much as they want! I want them to be communicating well with each other! And I want them to reassure me that everything is just fine.
-Touch/hold baby immediately after- They can get him cleaned up and wrapped in the little blanket first, but I do want to see him before he goes off to the nursery! Obviously, if something is wrong then I just want him to get to the NICU as quick as possible.
-Who stays with baby during post-op- Brandon already knows that he isn't to leave Micah's side until he can be brought to me.
-Breastfeed- yup, I plan on doing that
-Bottles, pacifiers, formula- Well since I'm wanting to breastfeed, I don't want them to be giving him bottles or formula, right? But I have no problem with pacifiers, I plan on using them!
-Circumsion- yes please
-Doctor give play by play of procedure- Umm no, just tell me everything is going great, that it's almost done and then here he is! I don't need to know about every cut you make in my stomach. Ugh feeling lightheaded right now just thinking about it!
-Keep the Placenta- Ewww nooo!!! Please get rid of it!
See, I think most of my answers are the normal hospital procedures, aren't they? I guess I should write down some of these things, and when I go to my 30 week appointment to schedule my c-section, ask my doctor about some stuff.
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