Friday, November 4, 2011
25 Weeks!
Already 25 weeks today, which is so crazy to me!! Less than 15 weeks until Micah is here, and we still have so much to do! I'm in the part of pregnancy that I want it all to slow down so I have more time to get everything prepared. Right now I feel like the holidays are about to happen and then bam! he'll be here!
According to my pregnancy apps, Micah is about 13 and half inches long and weighs about a pound and half now. I love him weighing more than a pound, because I feel like I can blame some of that number on the scale on him! :) He weighs about as much as a rutabaga, which means I need to go to the grocery store and see how heavy that is. Micah is also starting to get some baby fat on him, so I can't wait until my ultrasound, because if its 3d again, I'll be able to see how he's starting to work on his chubby cheeks. And he's growing hair! His hair color and texture is now there, my guess is blonde at first, if he's not a bald baby. This week he'll be growing to be about 14 inches long, or as big as a hothouse cucumber, and gain about another quarter of a pound.
My apps also say that I should be having my gestational diabetes testing done in the next few weeks, which I'm not looking forward to at all! I'm guessing my doctor will schedule it when I go to my appointment on Monday. I'm dreading the test, because everyone says it tastes horribly gross, but I'm also worried about failing. According to PubMed Health, people at higher risk are -
Being over 25 when you're pregnant (which I'm not),
Have a family history of diabetes (which I do),
Gave birth to a baby over 9 pounds (nope, Micah is my first and I sure hope he isn't that huge!),
Have sugar in your urine on a regular doctor visit (Hasn't been mentioned to me, so no?),
High blood pressure (mine is high for me now, but considered still very low compared to most),
Have to much amniotic fluid (again, hasn't been mentioned to me),
Have had an unexplained miscarriage (nope)
Overweight before pregnancy (sadly yes)
got these risk factors from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001898/
So I guess, I'm not to bad on that list, only 2 items. But I'm still worried because how awful to find out you have GD right before the holidays!! :( I want my yummy holiday food! So hopefully I will pass with flying colors!
Less than 105 days until Micah is here!
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