So today was my last prenatal visit, pretty crazy! Everything looked really good, according to their scale I'm only half a pound over my prepregnancy weight, which I'm quite happy with! My blood pressure was great still and Micah looked wonderful on the ultrasound! The picture isn't very good because he's nice and low now, he'd be perfect position if we were having him vaginally.
But here's his picture!
His little arm kept getting in the way, but I love that I can see his ear in this picture. The more I look at the picture the better I can see him. But it doesn't really matter, because in less then 3 days I'll be holding him! So I didn't care what the picture looked like this time, as long as he looked healthy still!
Found out that I can't eat after 8pm on Thursday, which is fine with me because I plan on going to bed around then! We have to be at the hospital by 4am, which means leaving our apartment no later then 3:30am! However I doubt I will really be sleeping much anyway, so at least its not like in the afternoon where I have to think about it all day and starve!
After our doctor appointment, they told us we needed to walk over to the hospital and register. My doctors office is connected to the hospital by a skywalk, pretty handy! So we went over there and did the whole registration process. Umm way to make it feel super real and scary! Luckily it didn't take much because they already had most of my information in the system from my other hospital stays. I just had to sign some forms for Micah and me, and tell them who Micah's doctor is and all that kind of stuff. As we were sitting there waiting to register, Brandon was like oh my goodness, I'm going to be a daddy in less then 5 really started to hit him :) And it didn't help that I corrected him and said umm no honey, in less then 3 days we will be 2 stories higher and already holding Micah. He had his slight hyperventilating moment :)
This afternoon is my baby shower with my sunday school class, so I will probably write another blog about that this afternoon or tomorrow morning.
Only 3 more days!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
The Nursery!
So I think the nursery is pretty much finished at this point! I'm so excited! With all the drama that happened Friday afternoon, we never checked our mail on Friday or Saturday. So today after church, we stopped and checked the mail and we had 2 packages waiting for us! YAY! In one package was stuff my cousin, Stephanie had sent me for Micah, which I was so excited for, but the other package contained what we were incredibly excited for....the wall decal! I was so upset when we went to move and I went to order another one of our wall decals, and the lady was no longer selling them on Etsy. And I loved the boat so much! But luckily my amazing cousin Stephanie's husband does signs and he was able to recreate our wall decal for us!! (THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!) They didn't have the exact same colors, so we switched the colors up a little and I love it even more now! And the wall decal is definately a better quality! And a lot easier to hang up..and we know the crib is sturdy because Brandon climbed into it while we were trying to get it centered. Sadly I didn't have my camera to take a picture of that, but here's our awesome new decal!
It matches his bedding perfectly! I'm in love...
Doesn't it look just great? And the rest of the nursery...
Eventually I want to get some curtains for his room, but we will work on that later..and then yesterday Brandon finally got a hammer and level (yes the poor guy didn't own one, he'd been using a screwdriver handle to hang pictures and such at our other places). So he was able to hang up the shelf!
So there is his adorable nursery! Eventually we need to fix his dresser up too, but not this week. I'm so happy that it's done!
Only 5 more days until the little guy is here!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Labor and Delivery.....again
So Thursday night around 8pm, my back started hurting really bad. It was a lot of pressure in my lower back and I was just miserable. So I went to bed early, hoping it would start feeling better. No such luck, I was in pain all night, tossing and turning. When I woke up yesterday morning, I called my doctors office to find out if it's normal, and when do I worry about it being back labor? The nurse FINALLY called me back that afternoon, and I explained to her what was going on, and she said that since it had been going on for so long, they wanted me to go to labor and delivery to be monitored. So I called Brandon at work and told him that he needed to come home, because they want me to go to labor and delivery, and then I realized that my hospital bag wasn't ready!! It was only half packed, and what if they made me stay for awhile? Or if they decided to go ahead and take Micah out!? So I had barely started getting everything together when Brandon walked in..I'm pretty sure he broke some speed limits :) I was like how did you even tell work you were leaving this quick? And he said I left and then called them and told them! Lol he was definately freaking out some! I was perfectly calm though, I figured I'd been sitting around all day with this pain, 5 minutes wasn't going to be an issue! So off we went to the hospital with our poorly packed bag, and we were put in the pregnancy triage area, where there's like 5 beds with curtains in between, it's where they decide if you need to be admitted for awhile or not. I also found out that it is where they put people directly after c-sections, because they get moved to the post-partum rooms. The lady next to me had just been rolled out of a c-section, and she had her little baby with her. The cry was the cutest little thing! After awhile, they decided it wasn't contractions, that I just had an irritable uterus (whatever that is!) and I was good to be sent home. They said to take it easy, stay away from caffeine (which I do anyway!) because that I guess can make my uterus even more irritated? and to drink lots and lots of water. So we didn't get to go to dinner and the movies, instead we just relaxed at home and was in bed by 8:30. Just being inside the hospital wears us out for some reason! And home is really weird because the puppies aren't here :(. Our friends came and got the puppies, they are the friends that always take care of the dogs when we go off to the hospital. They said even though we are home, they'll keep the dogs all weekend so we can relax and take it easy. It's weird not having the puppies here though. Today my plans are laundry and packing the hospital bag correctly..hopefully I'm successful at that!
Only 6 more days until Micah is here! SO CRAZY!
Only 6 more days until Micah is here! SO CRAZY!
Friday, January 27, 2012
37 Weeks!
Today Micah is officially full term! YAY! I'm so happy we made it all the way to full term! Now hopefully we will make it to our scheduled c-section date! I started having back pains last night though, so we will see! I think he's just getting into position and such.
Today's picture though..
I don't know if you can tell in this picture, but I can tell from the way my shirt fits, that my stomach is definately lower then it use to be.
My pregnancy app says that Micah is full term, and that his lungs are most likely mature enough now. That he should weigh about 6 and 1/3 pounds now! And is a little bit longer then 19 inches now. At the end of this week he should be about 19.75 inches long and about 6.8 pounds, and since at the end of this week, Micah will be here, we'll see how close that is! Crazy that at this time in a week, Micah will be here!
Tonight we are going to the movies for probably the last time in a long long while! Tomorrow is relaxing and laundry day, so I can finish packing the hospital bag. All it needs is Brandon, Micah and my clothes. It's so crazy that this is our last Friday before Micah is here!
Only 7 short days until Micah is here!
Today's picture though..
I don't know if you can tell in this picture, but I can tell from the way my shirt fits, that my stomach is definately lower then it use to be.
My pregnancy app says that Micah is full term, and that his lungs are most likely mature enough now. That he should weigh about 6 and 1/3 pounds now! And is a little bit longer then 19 inches now. At the end of this week he should be about 19.75 inches long and about 6.8 pounds, and since at the end of this week, Micah will be here, we'll see how close that is! Crazy that at this time in a week, Micah will be here!
Tonight we are going to the movies for probably the last time in a long long while! Tomorrow is relaxing and laundry day, so I can finish packing the hospital bag. All it needs is Brandon, Micah and my clothes. It's so crazy that this is our last Friday before Micah is here!
Only 7 short days until Micah is here!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Single Digits!!
We are in single digits now!!! How crazy! I was laying in bed last night thinking about how soon it is until Micah will be here. It kind of feels surreal right now. Most people have a countdown to their due date, but they really have no idea when their little one will show up. We know that most likely Micah will be here in 9 days, on Feb 3 sometime around 6am, as long as he doesn't try to make an early appearance.
Brandon and I decided to go on a date to the movies this weekend, because we realized that after this weekend, we will have to find a babysitter anytime we want to go to the movies! So weird!
Oh and did I mention I'm having a baby shower?! This past weekend we went to a sunday school gathering at this arcade/mini kart place, and the sunday school teacher's wife asked about having a baby shower for me! She said that it kind of snuck up on her, and all of a sudden she realized it was like 2 weeks away :) There are 10 pregnant ladies in my sunday school right now! So they're going to have a shower for me and another girl thats also due in Feb, with 10 pregnant ladies, you need to combine! :) I'm excited about it, it's going to be at Olive Garden on Tuesday! So Micah better not come early, because I don't want to miss my baby shower! It's going to be a busy week next week, Tuesday is my doctor's appointment and then my baby shower, Wednesday my family comes to town, and Thursday I'll show them around town some and get everything ready for the weekend in the hospital! And Friday is the big day!
Only 9 more days until Micah is here!!
Brandon and I decided to go on a date to the movies this weekend, because we realized that after this weekend, we will have to find a babysitter anytime we want to go to the movies! So weird!
Oh and did I mention I'm having a baby shower?! This past weekend we went to a sunday school gathering at this arcade/mini kart place, and the sunday school teacher's wife asked about having a baby shower for me! She said that it kind of snuck up on her, and all of a sudden she realized it was like 2 weeks away :) There are 10 pregnant ladies in my sunday school right now! So they're going to have a shower for me and another girl thats also due in Feb, with 10 pregnant ladies, you need to combine! :) I'm excited about it, it's going to be at Olive Garden on Tuesday! So Micah better not come early, because I don't want to miss my baby shower! It's going to be a busy week next week, Tuesday is my doctor's appointment and then my baby shower, Wednesday my family comes to town, and Thursday I'll show them around town some and get everything ready for the weekend in the hospital! And Friday is the big day!
Only 9 more days until Micah is here!!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
36 Week Doc Appointment!
So this morning was my doctor's appointment. It went really good, my doctor said my weight and blood pressure looked perfect. Sadly the day has arrived where I weigh exactly the same as I did prepregnancy. But since I only have 10 days left, that probably isn't to bad! The doctor did my ultrasound this time again, but he did better telling us what everything was.
It's hard to tell in the picture, but that's his hand in front of his face, he was sucking his thumb during the ultrasound. My doctor was like oh you've got a thumb sucker! We saw his heart, and his cute little face and was very nice. We found out that we have to be at the hospital 2 hours before the c-section, and since ours is scheduled at 6am, we get to be there at 4am..yuck! But I probably won't be sleeping very well anyway, so it'll be ok. Learned that he uses staples because he doesn't have to worry about allergic reactions like sutures and glue can cause, which is a slight bummer, staples don't sound fun to me. And I'm going to have one more doctor appointment! Next Tuesday we will have our last one! Which I'm so ready for, I slept horrible last night. I woke up being so over being pregnant! Nothing I did last night made me comfortable.
After my doctor appointment we had to go drop off our car to get worked on, and it probably won't be done until after Micah is born :( So he will be coming home in a rental car. They gave us a Chevy HHR, but I need to try to see if we can get it switched out, because when we got home, the carseat won't fit! For the carseat to fit, we have to pretty much be touching the dashboard. Not exactly a safe way to drive!
Now it's time to eat lunch and then take a nap! Because I seriously got no sleep last night! As I was laying in bed, miserable around 4am, I was like ok if at this doctor's appointment, he tells me Micah needs to come out earlier for some reason, I will be quite fine with that! Yes I have a lot planned in the next week and half, but ugh I was just so ready for it to be done!
Only 10 more days until Micah is here!!
It's hard to tell in the picture, but that's his hand in front of his face, he was sucking his thumb during the ultrasound. My doctor was like oh you've got a thumb sucker! We saw his heart, and his cute little face and was very nice. We found out that we have to be at the hospital 2 hours before the c-section, and since ours is scheduled at 6am, we get to be there at 4am..yuck! But I probably won't be sleeping very well anyway, so it'll be ok. Learned that he uses staples because he doesn't have to worry about allergic reactions like sutures and glue can cause, which is a slight bummer, staples don't sound fun to me. And I'm going to have one more doctor appointment! Next Tuesday we will have our last one! Which I'm so ready for, I slept horrible last night. I woke up being so over being pregnant! Nothing I did last night made me comfortable.
After my doctor appointment we had to go drop off our car to get worked on, and it probably won't be done until after Micah is born :( So he will be coming home in a rental car. They gave us a Chevy HHR, but I need to try to see if we can get it switched out, because when we got home, the carseat won't fit! For the carseat to fit, we have to pretty much be touching the dashboard. Not exactly a safe way to drive!
Now it's time to eat lunch and then take a nap! Because I seriously got no sleep last night! As I was laying in bed, miserable around 4am, I was like ok if at this doctor's appointment, he tells me Micah needs to come out earlier for some reason, I will be quite fine with that! Yes I have a lot planned in the next week and half, but ugh I was just so ready for it to be done!
Only 10 more days until Micah is here!!
Monday, January 23, 2012
So my doctors office just called to reschedule my appointment. When I originally made my appointment, they said I couldn't have it Monday or Tuesday because he was going to be out of town. Now they just called to say he's going out of town on Wednesday! And he's not in today either, so Tuesday is my only option. Which is fine, because I don't have any plans, but it kind of has me worried now..can I ask how long he's going to be out of town? Lol it's only a little over a week until my c-section! Are they going to end up calling and rescheduling that too!??! What if something happens before my c-section date, who takes care of me if he's still out of town? He's the only doctor I ever see, technically there's another doctor in the practice, but she has her own office and everything. Argh can't doctors just never leave town? :)
Good news is I get to see Micah tomorrow instead of Wednesday! And tomorrow is easier for Brandon to get out of work for it.
Crazy that it is only 11 more days until Micah is here and I don't have to just look at ultrasound pictures!!
Good news is I get to see Micah tomorrow instead of Wednesday! And tomorrow is easier for Brandon to get out of work for it.
Crazy that it is only 11 more days until Micah is here and I don't have to just look at ultrasound pictures!!
Friday, January 20, 2012
36 Weeks!!
Ahhh so close now!!
Today's picture at 36 weeks...
My stomach is so far out there now! I keep running into things with it because it just seems so much larger every day.
Me two months ago at 28 weeks..
Some serious belly growing has definately happened!
Micah is still incredibly active, he's all over the place. Walking is definately more painful now, and heartburn is back.
According to my pregnancy app, Micah is gaining about an ounce a day! And he weighs almost 6 pounds now, and is about 18 and half inces long! At the end of this week, he'll be considered full term! YAY! It says people will start asking if he's dropped. I don't know if he has, because it says that most moms will have less heartburn and easier time breathing after he drops. I just started having really bad heartburn like 3 days ago, and breathing has never really been an issue with me..unless I'm doing stairs. So the heartburn would make me think he hasn't, but then it says if he has that I'll feel increased pressure in my lower belly, making walking hard, and making me go to the bathroom more often. If he's very low, I'll feel lots of vaginal pressure and discomfort. All those things are a big yes in the past week! So maybe he's just really stretched out? No idea..
At the end of this week he should be about 19.25 inches long!! Goodness gracious! And weigh about 6.3 pounds!
Today is Brandon and my 3 year anniversary! Crazy that we've been married for 3 years already, it doesn't feel that long at all. I kept telling Micah last night that he can't come today because I don't want to forever share our anniversary with his birthday. We are going out to eat at this restaurant tonight to celebrate, and I'm so excited! They have this strawberry dessert that I've been wanting to try so bad, but I normally can't justify getting a dessert when we go out to eat. But tonight, so getting it!! Other than that, no big plans for the anniversary weekend, just taking it easy!
This week we have a doctor appointment on Wednesday, and I'm guessing it will be our last one because it's only 9 days before my c-section. So I will hopefully get all the details on the c-section, like what time to show up and all that. It's so crazy that it's all happening so quickly now! I have Micah's room pretty much organized now, just a few finishing touches still need to happen. I need to finish up the hospital bag and then everything should be ready to go!
Which is good because it's only 14 more days until Micah is here!!!!!!!!
Today's picture at 36 weeks...
My stomach is so far out there now! I keep running into things with it because it just seems so much larger every day.
Me two months ago at 28 weeks..
Some serious belly growing has definately happened!
Micah is still incredibly active, he's all over the place. Walking is definately more painful now, and heartburn is back.
According to my pregnancy app, Micah is gaining about an ounce a day! And he weighs almost 6 pounds now, and is about 18 and half inces long! At the end of this week, he'll be considered full term! YAY! It says people will start asking if he's dropped. I don't know if he has, because it says that most moms will have less heartburn and easier time breathing after he drops. I just started having really bad heartburn like 3 days ago, and breathing has never really been an issue with me..unless I'm doing stairs. So the heartburn would make me think he hasn't, but then it says if he has that I'll feel increased pressure in my lower belly, making walking hard, and making me go to the bathroom more often. If he's very low, I'll feel lots of vaginal pressure and discomfort. All those things are a big yes in the past week! So maybe he's just really stretched out? No idea..
At the end of this week he should be about 19.25 inches long!! Goodness gracious! And weigh about 6.3 pounds!
Today is Brandon and my 3 year anniversary! Crazy that we've been married for 3 years already, it doesn't feel that long at all. I kept telling Micah last night that he can't come today because I don't want to forever share our anniversary with his birthday. We are going out to eat at this restaurant tonight to celebrate, and I'm so excited! They have this strawberry dessert that I've been wanting to try so bad, but I normally can't justify getting a dessert when we go out to eat. But tonight, so getting it!! Other than that, no big plans for the anniversary weekend, just taking it easy!
This week we have a doctor appointment on Wednesday, and I'm guessing it will be our last one because it's only 9 days before my c-section. So I will hopefully get all the details on the c-section, like what time to show up and all that. It's so crazy that it's all happening so quickly now! I have Micah's room pretty much organized now, just a few finishing touches still need to happen. I need to finish up the hospital bag and then everything should be ready to go!
Which is good because it's only 14 more days until Micah is here!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Rock n Play Sleeper
Yesterday my rock n play sleeper arrived!! Yay! (Thanks mom and dad!) I'm so excited for it because that's where Micah will be sleeping at first, he'll sleep in that on my side of the bed. So we put it together last night so the dogs could get use to it, before Micah is in it! Brandon decided it was time for Joshua to move from the carseat..
Into the rock n play! Lol I love how he even put the little toy with Joshua.
Only 16 more days until Micah is here and can start trying out his own stuff!
Into the rock n play! Lol I love how he even put the little toy with Joshua.
Only 16 more days until Micah is here and can start trying out his own stuff!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
New Apartment!
So we still aren't completely moved in..haven't hung pictures and all that kind stuff yet. Micah's room still needs some work. However, Brandon is taking a really big test right now, and instead of sitting here stressing out, I decided to go ahead and take pictures of our new apartment to share with you!
So when you walk out my front door, this is your view
On the other side of the parking lot is the dog park. It's so nice that it's so incredibly close. And to the left there is a little dog walk area with a bench, and down the way a little there is a cute little pinic bench and grill. To the right, this is the beautiful view..
I love my mountains! I also like my new apartment because there is more grass and trees around these..still lots of rocks and such, but at least I can see a little bit more green!
Then when you walk into my apartment, this is what you see..
My living room..
And that doorway is the one for our bedroom
Standing in the corner of my living room by the window,
I have empty space! A dining room!! Which right now is the bookshelf area, and that closet over to the right is our laundry closet
So great to have open space!!
Our kitchen is still pretty much the same..still tiny
Our apartment is handicap accessible, so under the sink we don't have a cabinet, its all open, and our counters and everything are lower, which is kind of weird.
This is the long long hallway to Micah's room! We decided to put the baby gate up there, so in case someone comes to the door, I can put the dogs down there and not deal with them. And then once Micah is born, when he's napping, I can close the gate so the dogs don't do their nascar impersonation up and down the hallway. They love that they can run all the way from that closet at the end of the hallway, down the hallway, through the living room and into our bedroom. It's a nice little running track they have going on.
At the end of the hall is a great extra closet and to the left is the extra bathroom
And to the right of the hallway is...Micah's room! Which is still in the works, so don't mind the mess..I'll have pictures when its done but here it is on the way..
It's getting there..slowly but surely!
And then back on the opposite side of the apartment is our bedroom..
Obviously the door on the right is our bathroom. It's so much smaller then the bathrooms we've had lately, but it works! And luckily we have that other bathroom to keep all our extra stuff. The other door is our massive closet..
The picture doesn't do it justice on how incredibly massive this closet is! Brandon and I were like WOW this could easily be Micah's nursery! It's so huge!
So there is the massive amount of pictures of my new place! It feels so huge right now! But I know it will soon fill up!
It's a lot sunnier in this apartment! During the day I never have to have any lights on because it's so bright! Which Chester absolutely loves, he's always laying in the sunlight.
Yesterday I weighed myself, and I weighed the exact same as my doctors appointment last week! Yay! Still hanging on just below prepregnancy weight!
Only 17 more days!! I have a lot to do in his nursery before then!
So when you walk out my front door, this is your view
On the other side of the parking lot is the dog park. It's so nice that it's so incredibly close. And to the left there is a little dog walk area with a bench, and down the way a little there is a cute little pinic bench and grill. To the right, this is the beautiful view..
I love my mountains! I also like my new apartment because there is more grass and trees around these..still lots of rocks and such, but at least I can see a little bit more green!
Then when you walk into my apartment, this is what you see..
My living room..
And that doorway is the one for our bedroom
Standing in the corner of my living room by the window,
I have empty space! A dining room!! Which right now is the bookshelf area, and that closet over to the right is our laundry closet
So great to have open space!!
Our kitchen is still pretty much the same..still tiny
Our apartment is handicap accessible, so under the sink we don't have a cabinet, its all open, and our counters and everything are lower, which is kind of weird.
This is the long long hallway to Micah's room! We decided to put the baby gate up there, so in case someone comes to the door, I can put the dogs down there and not deal with them. And then once Micah is born, when he's napping, I can close the gate so the dogs don't do their nascar impersonation up and down the hallway. They love that they can run all the way from that closet at the end of the hallway, down the hallway, through the living room and into our bedroom. It's a nice little running track they have going on.
At the end of the hall is a great extra closet and to the left is the extra bathroom
Yup! It's an awesome handicap accessible bathroom!! Got to love all the bars!And to the right of the hallway is...Micah's room! Which is still in the works, so don't mind the mess..I'll have pictures when its done but here it is on the way..
It's getting there..slowly but surely!
And then back on the opposite side of the apartment is our bedroom..
Obviously the door on the right is our bathroom. It's so much smaller then the bathrooms we've had lately, but it works! And luckily we have that other bathroom to keep all our extra stuff. The other door is our massive closet..
The picture doesn't do it justice on how incredibly massive this closet is! Brandon and I were like WOW this could easily be Micah's nursery! It's so huge!
So there is the massive amount of pictures of my new place! It feels so huge right now! But I know it will soon fill up!
It's a lot sunnier in this apartment! During the day I never have to have any lights on because it's so bright! Which Chester absolutely loves, he's always laying in the sunlight.
Yesterday I weighed myself, and I weighed the exact same as my doctors appointment last week! Yay! Still hanging on just below prepregnancy weight!
Only 17 more days!! I have a lot to do in his nursery before then!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
The Teens!!
We are finally in the teens!! 19 more days!..that's all :) Just excited about that. The house still isn't finished yet, so no pictures. We have had to clean the old apartment, and then go through the new apartment and find everything that's wrong with it and write it down so we don't get charged when we move out someday, and Brandon's been studying. He has a big test on Tuesday. Tomorrow our friends are moving, so we probably still won't get a lot finished on our place, but its ok. No boxes anymore, just pictures to hang and closet needs to be organized and small things like that.
Micah is really low I guess because it's so painful to walk..but its painful to sit, lay down, sit up..pretty much whenever I change position..thank goodness it's only 19 more days!!!!!!!! OH and I love not having stairs.
Micah is really low I guess because it's so painful to walk..but its painful to sit, lay down, sit up..pretty much whenever I change position..thank goodness it's only 19 more days!!!!!!!! OH and I love not having stairs.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Pediatrician Interview
So life has been busy the past few days, we are finally moved into our new apartment! We still have a little bit of unpacking left and hanging pictures and such, and I still need to work on Micah's nursery more.
On Thursday we went to the pediatrician to see if he was the one we wanted. We really liked the one we went to, and he's going to be the one we use. He's been practicing for only a year and half, but the other doctor in the practice has been doing it for 15 years, and they work together. We actually met them both. So we liked the mix of someone pretty fresh out of school, being up to date on the newest things and then a more seasoned doctor, someone with a lot more experience. The doctor was very easy to talk to, he was very relaxed and didn't seem like someone that rushes. He knew about Ehlers-Danlos and understands that there will be things to look out for with Micah. As long as my c-section is on time, he will see Micah that morning, about a hour after he's born, which is nice. And he was pretty sure that it was his weekend at the hospital, so he should be able to do Micah's circumsion at the hospital. As long as Micah comes out perfect, traveling at the end of March shouldn't be an issue, he just said that before we travel, he'll go over things with us, things to make sure Micah does ok with the traveling and ways to avoid him getting sick. He also said that before every immunization, he likes to talk to us about what exactly Micah is getting and why, and if it's something we want. It's not just an automatic thing. We are planning on doing the regular immunization schedule, but it's nice to know he supports options.
Hopefully soon the apartment will be put together so I can post pictures! The puppies are loving the extra space though! Only 20 more days until Micah is here!!
On Thursday we went to the pediatrician to see if he was the one we wanted. We really liked the one we went to, and he's going to be the one we use. He's been practicing for only a year and half, but the other doctor in the practice has been doing it for 15 years, and they work together. We actually met them both. So we liked the mix of someone pretty fresh out of school, being up to date on the newest things and then a more seasoned doctor, someone with a lot more experience. The doctor was very easy to talk to, he was very relaxed and didn't seem like someone that rushes. He knew about Ehlers-Danlos and understands that there will be things to look out for with Micah. As long as my c-section is on time, he will see Micah that morning, about a hour after he's born, which is nice. And he was pretty sure that it was his weekend at the hospital, so he should be able to do Micah's circumsion at the hospital. As long as Micah comes out perfect, traveling at the end of March shouldn't be an issue, he just said that before we travel, he'll go over things with us, things to make sure Micah does ok with the traveling and ways to avoid him getting sick. He also said that before every immunization, he likes to talk to us about what exactly Micah is getting and why, and if it's something we want. It's not just an automatic thing. We are planning on doing the regular immunization schedule, but it's nice to know he supports options.
Hopefully soon the apartment will be put together so I can post pictures! The puppies are loving the extra space though! Only 20 more days until Micah is here!!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
35 Weeks!...kinda
So technically I won't be 35 weeks until tomorrow, but tomorrow is moving day. And even though I won't be doing the moving, I will be cheerleading everybody on. I figured I shouldn't be on the computer blogging :)
Todays picture at 35 weeks (kinda)
Lol I look really tired in this picture..only 3 more weeks! And just for the record..Time Warner Cable should not have its automated system call my cell phone at 7:30am to remind me about my appointment tomorrow to install at my new apartment. I was in such a good sleep!! But anyway, this was me back at 30 weeks..
Once again, in the pictures I don't see a big difference, but I feel it! The other day I had the realization that I can't see my feet unless I lean way forward. Micah is running out of room too, he's all over the place, and soooo active!
This week my pregnancy app even says that, that he's running out of room. He's over 18 inches long now! And is about 5 and 1/4 pounds, the size of a honeydew melon! That's my favorite part..that so much of my weight is him now :) It says that because he's squished in there now, he isn't moving around like crazy, however I disagree..Micah still moves around an insane amount. I feel him all the time moving! His kidneys are completely developed now! yay! And his liver can process some waste now! He's pretty much done developing, he's just working on weight gain. At the end of this week he should be about 18.75 inches long, or the size of a crenshaw melon. I'm clueless on what that is, but here's a picture I found online!
Todays picture at 35 weeks (kinda)
Lol I look really tired in this picture..only 3 more weeks! And just for the record..Time Warner Cable should not have its automated system call my cell phone at 7:30am to remind me about my appointment tomorrow to install at my new apartment. I was in such a good sleep!! But anyway, this was me back at 30 weeks..
Once again, in the pictures I don't see a big difference, but I feel it! The other day I had the realization that I can't see my feet unless I lean way forward. Micah is running out of room too, he's all over the place, and soooo active!
This week my pregnancy app even says that, that he's running out of room. He's over 18 inches long now! And is about 5 and 1/4 pounds, the size of a honeydew melon! That's my favorite part..that so much of my weight is him now :) It says that because he's squished in there now, he isn't moving around like crazy, however I disagree..Micah still moves around an insane amount. I feel him all the time moving! His kidneys are completely developed now! yay! And his liver can process some waste now! He's pretty much done developing, he's just working on weight gain. At the end of this week he should be about 18.75 inches long, or the size of a crenshaw melon. I'm clueless on what that is, but here's a picture I found online!
Anyway, he'll weigh about 5.75 pounds at the end of this week. Keeping right on schedule with that half pound weight gain or so. Which would put us right under 7 pounds on birthday. So we will see how big he is in a few weeks!
So I had the crazy realization that I only have 2 more of these weekly updates, week 36 and week 37..because when I hit week 38 I'll be in the hospital with him! Unless I do a day early post again, which I probably will have one last picture of the belly.
This week, we're moving into our bigger apartment and getting it all set up, so I'll make sure to take pictures of the new place :) Today we are going to interview a pediatrician, hopefully we like him! So I will write about that at some point too..And that's about everything going on this week. Not a lot planned, so hopefully it doesn't drag by. Only 3 weeks left! Crazy!!
22 more days!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Hump Day..
The joy of not working is not having to deal with hump day anymore..but today I'm still hit with that feeling..except it's not that I'm looking forward to the weekend, I'm looking forward to 23 days from now.
I didn't go to the pediatrician yesterday, Brandon's unit sent him to some training yesterday and he wasn't going to be able to go to the appointment with me. So I talked to the doctor's office and they had an opening Thursday afternoon as well, so we rescheduled. Thursdays are supposed to be family days, where Brandon gets off work early, so he shouldn't even have to miss any work for it. So I have a little bit more time to work on my list of questions for the doctor!
Yesterday I went to Target, didn't even walk around that much! But all of a sudden I was absolutely exhuasted and not feeling good, and unfortunately our Target is well over 20 minutes away from our apartment. I made it home and crashed in my bed..and spent pretty much the rest of the day laying down and sleeping lots. It's really sad that everything wears me out like crazy!!
Friday is our big move day! No worries, I'm obviously not doing anything with the move. We are very lucky and have lots of friends that say they will be here to help us move. The plan is to move my glider first, and then I'll just sit in it and watch everybody move everything. I haven't even packed one box yet, it's so crazy! Brandon has packed the majority of our house up now. When we decided to move, he said he would take care of everything, I wouldn't need to do a thing, and he has done that. I'm not stressed about this move at all, which is pretty amazing. And let me just mention..I LOVE that I didn't have to pack the kitchen!! Lol thats always the worst part!
I think I'm having that hump feeling because I'm trying to take it easy right now, because definately don't need to do anything crazy like go into labor while trying to move. Also, everything is packed up, so I can't work on the nursery. After Friday, I'll have a lot that I can do at home, such as organizing all of Micah's clothes and getting his nursery just how I want it. Just working on not going crazy before then! :)
This was a very random post..but only 23 more days!!
I didn't go to the pediatrician yesterday, Brandon's unit sent him to some training yesterday and he wasn't going to be able to go to the appointment with me. So I talked to the doctor's office and they had an opening Thursday afternoon as well, so we rescheduled. Thursdays are supposed to be family days, where Brandon gets off work early, so he shouldn't even have to miss any work for it. So I have a little bit more time to work on my list of questions for the doctor!
Yesterday I went to Target, didn't even walk around that much! But all of a sudden I was absolutely exhuasted and not feeling good, and unfortunately our Target is well over 20 minutes away from our apartment. I made it home and crashed in my bed..and spent pretty much the rest of the day laying down and sleeping lots. It's really sad that everything wears me out like crazy!!
Friday is our big move day! No worries, I'm obviously not doing anything with the move. We are very lucky and have lots of friends that say they will be here to help us move. The plan is to move my glider first, and then I'll just sit in it and watch everybody move everything. I haven't even packed one box yet, it's so crazy! Brandon has packed the majority of our house up now. When we decided to move, he said he would take care of everything, I wouldn't need to do a thing, and he has done that. I'm not stressed about this move at all, which is pretty amazing. And let me just mention..I LOVE that I didn't have to pack the kitchen!! Lol thats always the worst part!
I think I'm having that hump feeling because I'm trying to take it easy right now, because definately don't need to do anything crazy like go into labor while trying to move. Also, everything is packed up, so I can't work on the nursery. After Friday, I'll have a lot that I can do at home, such as organizing all of Micah's clothes and getting his nursery just how I want it. Just working on not going crazy before then! :)
This was a very random post..but only 23 more days!!
Monday, January 9, 2012
34 Week Doc Appointment!
So today was our 34 week doc appointment..any guesses who did our ultrasound today?
yupppp that would be the doctor. I have no clue what that is..he was busy takling Army with Brandon the whole ultrasound. He said everything looked really great, blood pressure and weight looked great. And then the really crazy part of my appointment..he said ok see you in two weeks!!!!! Last appointment the nurse had said he'd probably start seeing me every week after this appointment, but nope! And then he says if you go into labor before then, just go on into labor and delivery and I'll see you there. AHH! I probably should finish my hospital bag. He said it so matter of factly, like that's where I would see him next. And then when I went to schedule my appointment, he's taking a few days off in two weeks, so I actually don't go back until Jan 25! Which is like 2 and half weeks from now! And only 9 days after that, we are scheduled for a c-section! So I guess this might be the last appointment we schedule before Micah?!
This weekend was really rough on me, my stomach has been hurting like crazy lately and I can barely walk. After this weekend, Brandon is convinced we aren't making it to Feb 3, but we'll see! I'm still holding out for then! I keep telling him Micah and I had an agreement..he can't come out until Feb 3! I need no suprises. The main thing is just not arrving this weekend..we're moving this weekend..our plan for the move is to move the glider first, and then I will just sit in the new apartment in the glider and watch everybody work.
Tonight is the Alabama game!! Playing for the National Championship!! We're going to have some friends over for it and cheer them on! Roll Tide!
25 more days!!!!!!
yupppp that would be the doctor. I have no clue what that is..he was busy takling Army with Brandon the whole ultrasound. He said everything looked really great, blood pressure and weight looked great. And then the really crazy part of my appointment..he said ok see you in two weeks!!!!! Last appointment the nurse had said he'd probably start seeing me every week after this appointment, but nope! And then he says if you go into labor before then, just go on into labor and delivery and I'll see you there. AHH! I probably should finish my hospital bag. He said it so matter of factly, like that's where I would see him next. And then when I went to schedule my appointment, he's taking a few days off in two weeks, so I actually don't go back until Jan 25! Which is like 2 and half weeks from now! And only 9 days after that, we are scheduled for a c-section! So I guess this might be the last appointment we schedule before Micah?!
This weekend was really rough on me, my stomach has been hurting like crazy lately and I can barely walk. After this weekend, Brandon is convinced we aren't making it to Feb 3, but we'll see! I'm still holding out for then! I keep telling him Micah and I had an agreement..he can't come out until Feb 3! I need no suprises. The main thing is just not arrving this weekend..we're moving this weekend..our plan for the move is to move the glider first, and then I will just sit in the new apartment in the glider and watch everybody work.
Tonight is the Alabama game!! Playing for the National Championship!! We're going to have some friends over for it and cheer them on! Roll Tide!
25 more days!!!!!!
Friday, January 6, 2012
34 weeks!
Yay! Officially 34 weeks now! It's a pretty awesome thing because according to my pregnancy app, babies born between 34-37 weeks are normally fine. They would still most likely require a short trip to the NICU, but in the long run they are normally just as healthy as full term babies.
So today's picture...
Don't you just love all those moving boxes? I'm standing where Micah's nursery once it's the storage space for all the boxes. We move in exactly a week! AH!
And I only have 4 weeks left! Crazy! So this is me 4 weeks ago, at 30 weeks.
I don't really see much of a difference anymore..I just look massive in all of them!
So this week, he is 4 and 3/4 pounds, about as heavy as a cantaloupe! I like knowing how much of my weight I can blame on him. He is also almost 18 inches long, and he definately feels like it. It feels like he's everywhere at once in my stomach! His fat layers have been busy filling out still. His central nervous system is still maturing, and so are his lungs.
This week he'll be growing to the full 18 inches, about the size of a honeydew melon! And he will weigh about 5.25 pounds! Goodness gracious! So a half a pound this week! And his major organs should be about complete by the time this week ends. His kidneys will be done developing and his liver will be completely functional.
My pregnancy app says that by this week fatigue is probaby back. That is so true! I can now easily nap once or even twice a day, and still sleep at night. Well sleep little bits at a time at night, between bathroom breaks and trying to flip over because my body hurts, I probably don't get that much sleep. Which is why napping during the day is a must now!
I can only walk little bits at a time and then I have to sit down. My back starts to ache and then it feels like he's going to fall right on out and I have to sit down for awhile. I'm going shopping today with a friend, so we'll see how that goes. I kind of have to stop at like every other bench in the mall :)
It amazes me how I can always find Micah now in my stomach, like there's always a really hard spot on my stomach, I'm guessing his bum? And if I or Brandon press on it, he starts moving around like crazy. He's like right there, it makes me wonder where all the fat on my stomach went? Lol I'm sure I'll find it all again as soon as he's born.
This week I'll have a doctor appointment on Monday and hopefully I'll get another cute picture and then Tuesday we have an appointment to talk to the pediatrician to decide if that's who we want. Oh and of course, Monday night is the National Championship game! Roll Tide!! And then Friday is our move..which the plan is to move my glider over there early on and then I will just sit in the glider at the new apartment and direct people where to go with things.
Only 28 more days until Micah is here!! Crazy!
So today's picture...
Don't you just love all those moving boxes? I'm standing where Micah's nursery once it's the storage space for all the boxes. We move in exactly a week! AH!
And I only have 4 weeks left! Crazy! So this is me 4 weeks ago, at 30 weeks.
I don't really see much of a difference anymore..I just look massive in all of them!
So this week, he is 4 and 3/4 pounds, about as heavy as a cantaloupe! I like knowing how much of my weight I can blame on him. He is also almost 18 inches long, and he definately feels like it. It feels like he's everywhere at once in my stomach! His fat layers have been busy filling out still. His central nervous system is still maturing, and so are his lungs.
This week he'll be growing to the full 18 inches, about the size of a honeydew melon! And he will weigh about 5.25 pounds! Goodness gracious! So a half a pound this week! And his major organs should be about complete by the time this week ends. His kidneys will be done developing and his liver will be completely functional.
My pregnancy app says that by this week fatigue is probaby back. That is so true! I can now easily nap once or even twice a day, and still sleep at night. Well sleep little bits at a time at night, between bathroom breaks and trying to flip over because my body hurts, I probably don't get that much sleep. Which is why napping during the day is a must now!
I can only walk little bits at a time and then I have to sit down. My back starts to ache and then it feels like he's going to fall right on out and I have to sit down for awhile. I'm going shopping today with a friend, so we'll see how that goes. I kind of have to stop at like every other bench in the mall :)
It amazes me how I can always find Micah now in my stomach, like there's always a really hard spot on my stomach, I'm guessing his bum? And if I or Brandon press on it, he starts moving around like crazy. He's like right there, it makes me wonder where all the fat on my stomach went? Lol I'm sure I'll find it all again as soon as he's born.
This week I'll have a doctor appointment on Monday and hopefully I'll get another cute picture and then Tuesday we have an appointment to talk to the pediatrician to decide if that's who we want. Oh and of course, Monday night is the National Championship game! Roll Tide!! And then Friday is our move..which the plan is to move my glider over there early on and then I will just sit in the glider at the new apartment and direct people where to go with things.
Only 28 more days until Micah is here!! Crazy!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Less then 30 days!!
AHH! Just thought I would share that crazy fact! It is only 29 more days until Micah's birthday! 27 days until my family flies out to this awesome desert so they can meet Micah! In 29 days, by this time, we should be holding our baby boy by now! My c-section is scheduled for 6am, I don't know how incredibly early that means I need to be at the hospital, but I figure I won't be sleeping much anyway! It doesn't seem that long ago that I was on my pregnancy forums and was seeing people say they had less then 50 days and I was so jealous. And now I'm at under 30 days!! So much to do..but not going to think about it. We move next weekend and then I'll just be slowly setting up his nursery again, and then he should be here!
29 more days!!!!!!!!!
29 more days!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
So we have finally set up an appointment with the pediatrician! We are going next Tuesday, Jan 10 at 4:30 pm (putting that much detail is partially to help me remember!! lol). So now I need to come up with things to look for and to ask about, any suggestions are welcome!
I already know that he has a 24 hour clinic, which is good. There are two doctors in his practice, and then for the 24 hour clinic they use pediatricians from the surrounding area as well, so it probably won't be my doctor if we have to use it, but they will have all the medical history already, without me having to remember everything and they will be able to call my doctor if anything is needed.
This is the doctor that came and talked to our baby class at the hospital, so I know he has a good working relationship with the hospital and I know some stuff about him
Things to find out...
A well baby/sick baby waiting room? I guess this is important so Micah doesn't catch yucky germs from the waiting room?
Does he come to the hospital when Micah is born to check him out? I'm pretty sure this was a yes, but I want to verify and to find out when he normally comes and what he does.
Does he do circumsion in the hospital or later on at his office? Found out at my baby class that not all pediatricians do it at the hospital. And when does he do it?
How long after we get released from the hospital do we go to our appointment with him?
I do know that he is a strong supporter of breastfeeding, which is good.
Most importantly...has he ever heard of Ehlers-Danlos? I don't care if he hasn't heard of it, but I do want him to seem very interested in it and willing to do research on it so he can care for Micah in the best way possible. My favorite doctors are the ones that seem intrigued by Ehlers-Danlos, are willing to admit that they don't know anything or very little on it, and the next time I see them I can obviously tell they've done their research on it.
What else do I need to ask about? I'm so lost.
Less than 31 days to figure this all out! Because Micah will be here in only 31 days..AH!
I already know that he has a 24 hour clinic, which is good. There are two doctors in his practice, and then for the 24 hour clinic they use pediatricians from the surrounding area as well, so it probably won't be my doctor if we have to use it, but they will have all the medical history already, without me having to remember everything and they will be able to call my doctor if anything is needed.
This is the doctor that came and talked to our baby class at the hospital, so I know he has a good working relationship with the hospital and I know some stuff about him
Things to find out...
A well baby/sick baby waiting room? I guess this is important so Micah doesn't catch yucky germs from the waiting room?
Does he come to the hospital when Micah is born to check him out? I'm pretty sure this was a yes, but I want to verify and to find out when he normally comes and what he does.
Does he do circumsion in the hospital or later on at his office? Found out at my baby class that not all pediatricians do it at the hospital. And when does he do it?
How long after we get released from the hospital do we go to our appointment with him?
I do know that he is a strong supporter of breastfeeding, which is good.
Most importantly...has he ever heard of Ehlers-Danlos? I don't care if he hasn't heard of it, but I do want him to seem very interested in it and willing to do research on it so he can care for Micah in the best way possible. My favorite doctors are the ones that seem intrigued by Ehlers-Danlos, are willing to admit that they don't know anything or very little on it, and the next time I see them I can obviously tell they've done their research on it.
What else do I need to ask about? I'm so lost.
Less than 31 days to figure this all out! Because Micah will be here in only 31 days..AH!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everybody! I can't believe it's 2012 already. Crazy! This year we will move into a bigger apartment, welcome our baby boy and very possibly move out of El Paso. Hopefully into a house at our next duty station. 2011 was a pretty crazy year, Brandon went active duty from the National Guard, he went off to training, I changed job locations, we bought our "family car", a SUV because his truck was falling apart and we wanted so badly to start a family, so decided to go ahead and get the family car. We bought Brandon a motorcycle, I quit my job because we were moving from the military, my adorable nephew was born..and then the best part of 2011...we found out we were finally expecting a baby! Biggest shock ever since the doctors had told us it would never happen without medications and all this other stuff, but we were/are so happy and feel so blessed to have Micah on the way. A week and half after finding out we were pregnant, we moved cross country, 18 hours driving from our closest family members. Brandon joined his new unit and we got use to the idea of living on the Mexican border and in the middle of the desert. 2011 has been a great year for us, living in El Paso isn't always the easiest, we wish we were living on the east coast where it would be easier for family and friends to visit us, and we could actually see green and rain, but it is what it is. We won't be here forever. And luckily we are making really good friends while we are here; that helps a lot.
I can now say that my c-section is scheduled for next month, how crazy does that sound?? And we'll see if we actually make it to our scheduled date, I really hope we do. One of the joys of Ehlers-Danlos though is that I'm a high risk for early labor. However I did tell Micah that if he was going to come early it had to be between Christmas and the New Year, so we would at least get a tax credit :) (can you tell my dad is an, after that window of opportunity closed, he has to wait until Feb 3rd. We'll see if he actually listens. I woke up today feeling like I did 8 million crunches last night on top of a full body intense workout, and I'm just feeling not quite right. Nothing weird enough to call the doctor about yet, just enough to take it easy and observe. Oh and the swelling has begun. I'm barely swollen in my feet and hands at the end of the day, but enough for me to notice it. So water intake is increasing again, I had gotten slightly lazy about it.
Only 33 more days until Micah is here!
I can now say that my c-section is scheduled for next month, how crazy does that sound?? And we'll see if we actually make it to our scheduled date, I really hope we do. One of the joys of Ehlers-Danlos though is that I'm a high risk for early labor. However I did tell Micah that if he was going to come early it had to be between Christmas and the New Year, so we would at least get a tax credit :) (can you tell my dad is an, after that window of opportunity closed, he has to wait until Feb 3rd. We'll see if he actually listens. I woke up today feeling like I did 8 million crunches last night on top of a full body intense workout, and I'm just feeling not quite right. Nothing weird enough to call the doctor about yet, just enough to take it easy and observe. Oh and the swelling has begun. I'm barely swollen in my feet and hands at the end of the day, but enough for me to notice it. So water intake is increasing again, I had gotten slightly lazy about it.
Only 33 more days until Micah is here!
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