So I think the nursery is pretty much finished at this point! I'm so excited! With all the drama that happened Friday afternoon, we never checked our mail on Friday or Saturday. So today after church, we stopped and checked the mail and we had 2 packages waiting for us! YAY! In one package was stuff my cousin, Stephanie had sent me for Micah, which I was so excited for, but the other package contained what we were incredibly excited for....the wall decal! I was so upset when we went to move and I went to order another one of our wall decals, and the lady was no longer selling them on Etsy. And I loved the boat so much! But luckily my amazing cousin Stephanie's husband does signs and he was able to recreate our wall decal for us!! (THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!) They didn't have the exact same colors, so we switched the colors up a little and I love it even more now! And the wall decal is definately a better quality! And a lot easier to hang up..and we know the crib is sturdy because Brandon climbed into it while we were trying to get it centered. Sadly I didn't have my camera to take a picture of that, but here's our awesome new decal!

It matches his bedding perfectly! I'm in love...
Doesn't it look just great? And the rest of the nursery...
Eventually I want to get some curtains for his room, but we will work on that later..and then yesterday Brandon finally got a hammer and level (yes the poor guy didn't own one, he'd been using a screwdriver handle to hang pictures and such at our other places). So he was able to hang up the shelf!
So there is his adorable nursery! Eventually we need to fix his dresser up too, but not this week. I'm so happy that it's done!
Only 5 more days until the little guy is here!
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