Ahhh so close now!!
Today's picture at 36 weeks...
My stomach is so far out there now! I keep running into things with it because it just seems so much larger every day.
Me two months ago at 28 weeks..
Some serious belly growing has definately happened!
Micah is still incredibly active, he's all over the place. Walking is definately more painful now, and heartburn is back.
According to my pregnancy app, Micah is gaining about an ounce a day! And he weighs almost 6 pounds now, and is about 18 and half inces long! At the end of this week, he'll be considered full term! YAY! It says people will start asking if he's dropped. I don't know if he has, because it says that most moms will have less heartburn and easier time breathing after he drops. I just started having really bad heartburn like 3 days ago, and breathing has never really been an issue with me..unless I'm doing stairs. So the heartburn would make me think he hasn't, but then it says if he has that I'll feel increased pressure in my lower belly, making walking hard, and making me go to the bathroom more often. If he's very low, I'll feel lots of vaginal pressure and discomfort. All those things are a big yes in the past week! So maybe he's just really stretched out? No idea..
At the end of this week he should be about 19.25 inches long!! Goodness gracious! And weigh about 6.3 pounds!
Today is Brandon and my 3 year anniversary! Crazy that we've been married for 3 years already, it doesn't feel that long at all. I kept telling Micah last night that he can't come today because I don't want to forever share our anniversary with his birthday. We are going out to eat at this restaurant tonight to celebrate, and I'm so excited! They have this strawberry dessert that I've been wanting to try so bad, but I normally can't justify getting a dessert when we go out to eat. But tonight, so getting it!! Other than that, no big plans for the anniversary weekend, just taking it easy!
This week we have a doctor appointment on Wednesday, and I'm guessing it will be our last one because it's only 9 days before my c-section. So I will hopefully get all the details on the c-section, like what time to show up and all that. It's so crazy that it's all happening so quickly now! I have Micah's room pretty much organized now, just a few finishing touches still need to happen. I need to finish up the hospital bag and then everything should be ready to go!
Which is good because it's only 14 more days until Micah is here!!!!!!!!
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