Tuesday, January 31, 2012

37 Week Doc Appt...last one!

So today was my last prenatal visit, pretty crazy!  Everything looked really good, according to their scale I'm only half a pound over my prepregnancy weight, which I'm quite happy with!  My blood pressure was great still and Micah looked wonderful on the ultrasound!  The picture isn't very good because he's nice and low now, he'd be perfect position if we were having him vaginally.
But here's his picture!
His little arm kept getting in the way, but I love that I can see his ear in this picture.  The more I look at the picture the better I can see him.  But it doesn't really matter, because in less then 3 days I'll be holding him!  So I didn't care what the picture looked like this time, as long as he looked healthy still! 
Found out that I can't eat after 8pm on Thursday, which is fine with me because I plan on going to bed around then!  We have to be at the hospital by 4am, which means leaving our apartment no later then 3:30am!  However I doubt I will really be sleeping much anyway, so at least its not like in the afternoon where I have to think about it all day and starve!
After our doctor appointment, they told us we needed to walk over to the hospital and register.  My doctors office is connected to the hospital by a skywalk, pretty handy!  So we went over there and did the whole registration process.  Umm way to make it feel super real and scary!  Luckily it didn't take much because they already had most of my information in the system from my other hospital stays.  I just had to sign some forms for Micah and me, and tell them who Micah's doctor is and all that kind of stuff.  As we were sitting there waiting to register, Brandon was like oh my goodness, I'm going to be a daddy in less then 5 days..it really started to hit him :)  And it didn't help that I corrected him and said umm no honey, in less then 3 days we will be 2 stories higher and already holding Micah.  He had his slight hyperventilating moment :)
This afternoon is my baby shower with my sunday school class, so I will probably write another blog about that this afternoon or tomorrow morning.
Only 3 more days!!

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