The joy of not working is not having to deal with hump day anymore..but today I'm still hit with that feeling..except it's not that I'm looking forward to the weekend, I'm looking forward to 23 days from now.
I didn't go to the pediatrician yesterday, Brandon's unit sent him to some training yesterday and he wasn't going to be able to go to the appointment with me. So I talked to the doctor's office and they had an opening Thursday afternoon as well, so we rescheduled. Thursdays are supposed to be family days, where Brandon gets off work early, so he shouldn't even have to miss any work for it. So I have a little bit more time to work on my list of questions for the doctor!
Yesterday I went to Target, didn't even walk around that much! But all of a sudden I was absolutely exhuasted and not feeling good, and unfortunately our Target is well over 20 minutes away from our apartment. I made it home and crashed in my bed..and spent pretty much the rest of the day laying down and sleeping lots. It's really sad that everything wears me out like crazy!!
Friday is our big move day! No worries, I'm obviously not doing anything with the move. We are very lucky and have lots of friends that say they will be here to help us move. The plan is to move my glider first, and then I'll just sit in it and watch everybody move everything. I haven't even packed one box yet, it's so crazy! Brandon has packed the majority of our house up now. When we decided to move, he said he would take care of everything, I wouldn't need to do a thing, and he has done that. I'm not stressed about this move at all, which is pretty amazing. And let me just mention..I LOVE that I didn't have to pack the kitchen!! Lol thats always the worst part!
I think I'm having that hump feeling because I'm trying to take it easy right now, because definately don't need to do anything crazy like go into labor while trying to move. Also, everything is packed up, so I can't work on the nursery. After Friday, I'll have a lot that I can do at home, such as organizing all of Micah's clothes and getting his nursery just how I want it. Just working on not going crazy before then! :)
This was a very random post..but only 23 more days!!
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