Friday, March 7, 2014

36 Weeks

Well today I am 36 weeks pregnant.  I can't believe that it is almost done.  Only 3 weeks or 21 days or less until I will already be holding my baby boy.  Daily life has become a lot more difficult.  It is hard for me to get on the floor and play all day with Micah.  We have been watching more TV than I like to admit and he has been playing by himself a lot more.  He will also bring me toys as I lay on the couch or he will bring me books and we will read them together.
Update on baby...
He is somewhere around 18 inches long and weighs almost 6 pounds now!  He is the size of a honeydew or as long as a head of romaine lettuce.  He should be able to breathe on his own at this point.  He is gaining about an ounce a day.  When this week ends, he will be considered early term.  The new thing is any earlier than 37 weeks is a pre-term baby, 37-39 is early term, 39-40 is full-term and 41 weeks is late term and after 42 weeks is post-term.  So confusing now, but if he stays put one more week, he won't be considered a pre-term baby!
This is my picture earlier this week..
I liked how Micah was staring up at me and my stomach.  And below is 36 weeks with Micah.

I had Micah at 37 weeks 5 days, but hopefully that doesn't happen this time.  Robin is coming to visit and help out in 2 weeks, at exactly 38 weeks.  I just need him to hang out until she is here.
In other news, it appears we will be moving in October, but we don't know exactly where.  The next 6 months is going to be crazy and have tons of change.
Also, we have been cloth diapering Micah for a few weeks now and I really like it.  We have gotten a rhythm with it and Micah really likes them too.  I went to the grocery store last week and it was amazing to not have to pick up diapers!  We have a good little supply built up now, we have 9 diapers and 2 more that we need to pick up (already paid, just need to actually get them).  I will post about the different types and what we think of them another day, but they have actually been quite easy.
Only 21 more days or less!

1 comment:

  1. so excited for baby #2! I'm sure you're tired of being pregnant...hang in there!
